Dedicated MES System To Complement E10 (Supporting Inspection and Quality Documentation etc.)

Where I currently work, a business manufacturing items from combinations of metal (sheet and tube), wood and plastic to a high quality, we need to move onto the next level regarding how we govern the items assembly and its associated quality inspection processes by the humans that are involved in this. We’re fully bought in regarding Epicor as our ERP system provider, however even with E10 it’s MES side is still very poor and cannot provide what we require.

So, I’m wondering what MES systems others are using to fulfill requirements like this?

I’ve worked with a solution from Aegis Software, however this is focused on electronics, so I’m after something either tailored to supporting environments such as our or software that supports a broad spectrum on manufacturing environment. Currently I’m drawn to Lighthouse Systems software, but open to suggestions.


Have you evaluated Mattec? I have not used but think it is Epicor MES partner for a more advanced product. I could be wrong.

Can you elaborate? What do you require?