Decimal difference between BAQ and Dashboard

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to create a new dashboard using my BAQ i created. But there is one strange thing. The decimal i set in BAQ doesn’t work in dashboard. I shortened the decimals of these columns in BAQ. However, the decimal in the corresponding column on the dashboard has increased.
Why did this happen? Could you please let me know?
Thanks in advance!

Did you try to redeploy?

I tried it, and even brought back BAQ to try it. But it was still the same.

Did you close the client and re-open after?

I already tried it. One thing that is suspicious is that the columns where decimal appears strangely on the dashboard are DB fields. Can’t the Decimal of a DB field be changed?

Well, try a calculated one instead.

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Creating a calculated field will allow me to control the decimal. But, if I find out that the Decimal of a DB field cannot be changed, I think I will not be able to use a lot of DB fields as is in the future and will have the annoyance of having to create calculated fields one by one.
So, I am curious whether the Decimal of the DB field cannot be changed.

I have tried to make a customization of deployed dashboard and change Format.
It didn’t help if anyone wonder.

Hello @pilio.lee. Please do us all a favour and put your current version in your profile please. This might be a situation where this has been resolved in a later version.

You can control the number of decimals in various places and if you are seeing defaults coming across regardless of the mask you have set in the display columns, try seeing if altering th extended properties of the field (not in front of a screen to confirm if it is editable there or not). You can do that in extended properties maintenance, barenin mind changes there are global. You may need to close the BAQ designer and/or remove and add the field again.

The Default Format cannot be changed in my Epicor. It’s gray.

Format the column in a calculated field.


Look one section up on the right. Additional format options.

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