I have an issue in my PO Suggestions where a date is being saved into Epicor as 1/1/0021 and it’s causing errors to pop up when this PO Suggestion is selected:
[Relevant error text transcribed:] Date Time Notification Exception: SugPoDtl.OrderByDate(1/1/0021), source data value is invalid. The control’s value cannot be set outside the range determined by the ‘MinValue’ and ‘MaxValue’ properties.
It’s clear that this date isn’t valid, and I’m not sure what could be causing it to make it past validation to be saved like this in the first place.
I have two Data Directive BPMs running on SugPoDtl that capture into UD Fields a couple User Related pieces of data, but nothing that touches the Suggestion Date.
Anyone have an idea for what might be causing it, if you’ve seen it before? Or maybe how you’d approach it?
I don’t have a definitive answer, but I have seen this kind of date issue pop up before. Take a look at all the places you are saving, using, or converting your date value. At some point the user may have entered something like 1/1/21, and the system should have corrected it but didn’t. In all the places make sure your date field is being processed as a date field, and not as a text field, or some other data type. If user input is the issue, you could modify your customization to force a 4 digit year, or work up a BPM to validate data before it is saved to the table. Good luck!
We had this issue in 2021.2 in our kinetic forms - it lets you enter a 2 digit year . . . and then saves it as 0022. It’s fixed in 2022.2. I had asked support to fix it when we were on 2021.2 and their answer was to train the users to always enter a 4 digit year .