At 12:51 PM 9/12/2000 , you wrote:
Format. There's a check box at the top of the Date page for "Use System
Default Format." Checking it tells it to use the date format defined in
Control Panel on the PC that is was *run* at. Thus it may be different
from machine to machine.
What you probably want to do is uncheck that box so they're consistent
everywhere. Then decide how you really want your dates to print (I like
m/d/yy without the extra zeros) and set them that way. Make sure the field
width is large enough to accommodate your selection. Most fonts are
proportionally spaced, so 12/28/30 needs more width that 1/1/01. Making up
a dummy job with wide dates for testing helps.
-Wayne Cox
>We're having a problem with the dates printing on our travelers.Open the traveller in Crystal Reports, right-click on the date and go into
>Sometimes, for example, the date will read '09/12/200', and other
>times it will read '09/12/20'
Format. There's a check box at the top of the Date page for "Use System
Default Format." Checking it tells it to use the date format defined in
Control Panel on the PC that is was *run* at. Thus it may be different
from machine to machine.
What you probably want to do is uncheck that box so they're consistent
everywhere. Then decide how you really want your dates to print (I like
m/d/yy without the extra zeros) and set them that way. Make sure the field
width is large enough to accommodate your selection. Most fonts are
proportionally spaced, so 12/28/30 needs more width that 1/1/01. Making up
a dummy job with wide dates for testing helps.
-Wayne Cox