Database schema - Table and fields

What is the best way to find a database schema that lays out every table and field in Epicor?

If you’re looking for Epicor-provided system information, I would take a look at the data dictionary form which should be within the system maintenance menu.

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Is there a table to do a sql query lookup of all the tables and fields?

It sounds like you want to execute this general SQL after selecting your Epicor database:
SELECT AS tbl, AS col, AS type, t.max_length AS size
FROM sys.objects AS o
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON o.object_id = c.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.types AS t ON c.system_type_id = t.system_type_id
WHERE o.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

The query should return the table, column, type, and size for the tables in the database.

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Also, this is a good article

Did you take a look at this?

Is there a field description column that can be included in the sql query?

zdatafield.dbtablename, zdatafield.dbfieldname,zdatafield.description contains most of what you are looking for.


I was waiting until I got home to post what @aidacra just posted. This is the Epicor listing of the tables and fields as organized by the application.

I stopped using the Data Dictionary for quite a while, it is just inconvenient
There’s probably one from old yahoo group, generated by HtmlDict, like this but at E905
It doesn’t have graphs or ER diagram, but at least you can see descriptions, and a list of tables having the same fieldname.

I actually created a dashboard from a query that utilizes the “zDataTable” and “zDataField” tables along with a tracker Matches(*) criteria fields on the table/field name/description. These tables list out all of the tables and field located in the database. These are the fields that I utilize in the tables you’re probably looking for:

zDataTable.DBTableName, zDataTable.Description
zDataField.FieldName, zDataField.Description, zDataField.DataType