Data hierarchy concerns, Purchasing under the parent company account (add-on users) or get a new contract?

We’re working to purchase Epicor Kinetic for our company.
Our company is a subsidiary of the parent company which already signed off on their contract with Epicor! Now we have two choices:

  1. use the parent company account, get some add-on users to take advantage of better pricing and implement our project with other companies
  2. sign a brand new contract and implement our project independently Do you have any experience on this topic?
    How does Epicor manage the data hierarchy between Accounts, Companies and Sites?
    Any advice is much appreciated.

Sounds like the parent company needs to buy Epicor with a multi-company/multi-site licence so that you can bolt on to their implementation

Under this licence you can inter-company trade, trade independently, have separate GL but still consolidate etc.

Reach out if you need more assistance


Thank you Sue,
A multisite license for our parent company’s companies in the US and Europe has already been purchased!
In terms of processes and key users, we’re not like other companies at all!
How will this type of implementation affect each company’s data dependencies?

Each company will have its own independent set of data. Technically it’s a single database but all tables have have a Company field that identifies the companies unique company ID and segregates their data for all processes and data transactions.

The multi site license adds functionality that allows “Global” records to be shared between companies, but that is all optional.

User accounts are universal to all companies, but a users scope can be updated to allow access to only certain companies.

The primary reason you would need to consider purchasing separately would probably be for infrastructure reasons. A single license equates to a single database. Upgrades would apply to all companies. Application or SQL server downtime would effect everyone at once.


Zack, thank you for such a thorough response.
The IT infrastructure is already shared by all companies, so it shouldn’t be a problem.