My bad. Data directives do not display the message statements
(PublishInfoMsg) to the screen as method directives do. My assumption is
that data directives are not necessarily tied to a user interfacing with the
system, so there may not always be a screen to display it to.
Replace the messages you are doing to the screen with the old "MESSAGE"
statement, which will write it to the app server log.
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 10:06 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Data Directive to save record of PartCost
I do not hit any of the message statements. My thought was that perhaps data
directives cannot show messages like method directives.
I will checkout the app server log too.
--- In <> , "Kevin
Simon" <simstrak@...> wrote:
Behalf Of
(PublishInfoMsg) to the screen as method directives do. My assumption is
that data directives are not necessarily tied to a user interfacing with the
system, so there may not always be a screen to display it to.
Replace the messages you are doing to the screen with the old "MESSAGE"
statement, which will write it to the app server log.
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 10:06 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Data Directive to save record of PartCost
I do not hit any of the message statements. My thought was that perhaps data
directives cannot show messages like method directives.
I will checkout the app server log too.
--- In <> , "Kevin
Simon" <simstrak@...> wrote:
> There are some minor items I see in your code that would make it run a bit
> more efficiently, but nothing I see that would prevent it from running.
> When you execute this, do you hit any of the message statements you have
> the program? Have you checked your app server log to see if any messages[ <> ] On
> are there?
> Kevin Simon
> SimsTrak Consulting
> From: <>
Behalf Of
> tchristie1a
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 6:24 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Data Directive to save record of PartCost
> I am looking to write a data directive that looks at part cost and creates
> record in UD07 when a partcost record changes. It will allow us to lookcreated
> historically at the changes in part cost.
> I have created the BPM with the conditions that if any of the last cost
> fields change from any to any then run the code.
> The code has a two parts. First piece looks to see if i already have
> a record for that partnum. If so, increase the part's index value (key5)by
> one. The second piece than generates the new row storing the part, the[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> costs, and today's date.
> That's it. But it doesn't run. Validates fine, just never produces any
> records. What am I missing?
> -------------
> define var iCount as integer.
> {lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = "'Trying to build a record.'"}
> for each ttpartcost where = cur-comp.
> iCount = 1.
> find last ud07 where ud07.key1 = ttpartcost.PartNum.
> if avail ud07 then do:
> iCount = ud07.number06 + 1.
> end.
> {lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = "'Set Count.'"}
> Create UD07.
> Assign
> UD07.key1 = string(ttpartcost.partnum).
> UD07.key2 = "0".
> UD07.key3 = "0".
> UD07.key4 = "0".
> UD07.key5 = string(iCount).
> UD07.number01 = ttpartcost.LastBurdenCost.
> UD07.Number02 = ttpartcost.LastLaborCost.
> UD07.number03 = ttpartcost.LastMaterialCost.
> UD07.number04 = ttpartcost.LastMtlBurCost.
> UD07.number05 = ttpartcost.LastSubContCost.
> UD07.number06 = iCount.
> UD07.date01 = today.
> = ttpartcost.Company.
> Release UD07.
> {lib/PublishInfoMsg.i &InfoMsg = "'Released UD07.'"}
> end.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]