I would like to obtain a data definition file for the tables in the Epicor system. I am only looking for several tables at the moment, but would appreciate the most up to date comprehensive listing that is available. The topic which this most closely relates to is the ‘Table Name’ topic within the help menu. See requested tables:
Table: Erp_APInvExp
Table: Erp_APInvHed
Table: Erp_APTran
Table: Erp_CashDtl
Table: Erp_FiscalPer
Table: Erp_GLJrnDtl
Table: Erp_Customer
Table: Erp_InvcDtl
Table: Erp_JobHead
Table: Erp_LaborDtl
Table: Erp_PartTran
Table: Erp_TranGLC
Table: Erp_Vendor
Have you looked at the Data Dictionary Viewer under System Maintenance? It gives you a (somewhat) decent listing of all Tables and Fields and their descriptions, formats, etc. It also allows you to print a report with the same information if you want it in a document.
There was a Windows Help File version of this going around here a few months ago, I’ll see if I can track it down.
EDIT: Take a look at these links.
Exactly what I was looking for!