Most of the dashboards I have set up are really simple.
They contain just one query view and a tracker that allows the end user to filter records returned.
The more complicated requests always seem to end up as to reports, forms or raw data sent to other applications.
They contain just one query view and a tracker that allows the end user to filter records returned.
The more complicated requests always seem to end up as to reports, forms or raw data sent to other applications.
>> right-click navigate to other objectsAnd "Copy to Excel"
>> orders, quotes, shipments, etcand Orders on Hold/Credit Hold
>along with the subpar email notification does seem like it's overdue for review
--- In, "pbparker" <scrumbus@...> wrote:
> The concept of dashboards is excellent, it's just the implementation of them that isn't great. They serve their purposes in our company for easily seeing a grid of data across various tables, and then allowing people to right-click and navigate to other objects (orders, quotes, shipments, etc).
> However, I just find the dashboard interface clunky, ugly, limited in overall look/feel capabilities and poor tools to visualize and summarize large sets of data.
> I wish they'd completely trash and overhaul the dashboards along with the subpar email notification capabilities. I want HTML based email with proper formatting and links back to objects.
> Maybe some year this will happen.
> --- In, "chan213419" <chan213419@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks everyone! It's interesting that I'm getting a wide variety of opinions on them already. From what I gather, it looks like I'll have to continue to get better with them before I 'close the door' on dbds all together. The Web interface is a great idea, but a hard sell if you are working with many clients.
> >
> > I appreciate the time to lay down your 2 cents everyone!
> >
> > Chan
> >
> > --- In, "chan213419" <chan213419@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I am looking for developer opinions on dashboards. Lets face it, if you have ever build a dashboard (dbd) you've undoubtedly run into issues with them once the dbd gets remotely complicated.
> > >
> > > Adding a search button, which should be as easy as adding one to an application, is a pain. Getting the BAQ results to refresh appropriately is a pain. Getting all of the windows to refresh accordingly is a pain, and god forbid you want to update data within a dbd!
> > >
> > > What I'm getting at is if a customer requests a dashboard, what do you normally do? Do you immediately create a new Form without even attempting a dbd? Do you try a dbd first, and if that fails, create a form?
> > >
> >