I have added a new dashboard sheet in OrderEntry. The BAQ gets a list of records from a UDtable which has Key1 = the Ordernum.
Question: How can I pass the current ordernum to the dashboard so that only records of that Order show in my dashboard? Kind of If I set a parameter, say “cmd” setting in the BAQ, within the Orderentry screen, how can I pass the ordernum to the parameter cmd of the BAQ?
Another solution I was successful is instead of a Dashboard, use a grid where a would populate with the result of a call to the BAQ in code …
but I was wandering if my first option was possible…
I cannot find the value DashBoard browse in my list of values to assign to my Key1 field…in my dashboard…as the note is indicating? What may I be missing? and where to set it ?.
This is new to me so I’m going to do a quick example.
I created a BAQ that returns order num, company, and cust num. I created a dashboard and used this query as the BAQ. I create a filter on OrderHed.OrderNum. I type Dashboard Browse into the value of the filter and the dashboard browse properties dialog appears. I select OrderNum as the display column and also push OrderNum to the right side of the Drop Down Columns. I selected Primary Browse.
I save and deploy the dashboard. Notice how there is a new item on the dashboard:
I save the customization and all that and to test, I bring up an order number. Since I have the dashboard OrderNum mapped to the dataview OrderNum, it selects the order num from the BAQ based on the dataview in the customization.
I did just type it; it wasn’t an option to choose.
Try it with a brand new dashboard. The documentation was from a E9 topic, so I can’t imagine it’s version specific.
As far as I can tell…
Dashboard Browse is not available for some tables.
e.g. UD tables, or others using Key1, Key2, Key3, etc…
( Schema Type = “System” in the data dictionary)?
So if your BAQ/Dashboard uses a UD table and you cannot select Dashboard Browse is there any way to make an embedded dashboard that subscribes to the customization UI in these cases?
Looking for the answer to the same question. It seems like every option to get an updateable grid into a customization has some missing info to get me all the way through it.