Dashboard view filters seem to concatenate when when changing views instead of replacing

I used guided setup in the grid properties (new in 2023.1) to create several filtered views.

In my example have filters to show open cases, closed cases, cases from company A, cases from Company B, and of course the default “All” view which is unfiltered.

What I am finding is that after selecting a view, its filter “sticks”, so that when a select another view the filters are effectively AND-concatenated. So if I look at Open Cases, then try to look at Closed Cases, I get empty result set; and from this point on all results sets are empty.

Same if I hit Company A view, going back to All still only shows company A results, and choosing Company B will be empty.

Clicking the refresh icon doesn’t help, a browser F5 does and returns me to the “All” filter, so that’s at least an ugly workaround for the users.

example filter:

2023.1 isn’t as solid as I was hoping, despite many improvements.

I’m not seeing this happen in 2023.1.6.

Only difference I’m seeing is I’m not using parentheses for my filter.


2023.1.6 does fix some UX issues for sure, but yes still a lot of things don’t work right.
Especially if you fill in a field and click TAB it does not refresh properly so better off Clearing the Form and entering the new data.
User Account Maintenance:
Open a Kinetic screen for a user. Then change the user ID Field and hit TAB, it should refresh the screen to that new USER ID’s data but it does not. It leaves the old data but new User ID.

Several things are already reported and in the works, but yeah, not as mature as one would hope.
As long as you have a workaround, that is the best option rather than dropping back to Modern or Classic but each has it’s merits and uses.

Not saying you should have to, but this is an easy fix.
This behavior is happening because the base form field is bound to User.UserID. Change the binding to KeyFields.UserID and it will work just fine.


Awesome! But yeah, not a work stopper for me, just another annoyance in the new UX. I will leave the comments at that, lol
You are awesome at programming the UX and we appreciate your screen-shots and animations!


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Seconded here!

And on a related note @hmwillett what tool do you use for screen grabbing the animations? Really nice and if a picture is worth a 1000 words, an animation…

i will try deleting the views and adding them manually without brackets; away from pc at the moment. I have logged a case in the meantime.

Syntax: no quotes in the expressions here, how are we mortals supposed to know when quotes around strings are required, let alone whether they should be single or double…

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Using 2023.1.6 (on-prem) also.

Here’s what I am seeing, amateur hour here with first gif so hope it works.

I’m starting with All (no filter), and its showing all. There are closed cases further down the list not visible in the grab. Blame the director.

Then Filter to Closed cases HDCase_CaseStatus = CLOSED, correctly shows only Closed cases.

Then change filter to KNZ Cases HDCase_Company = KNZ, shows only KNZ Cases but incorrectly shows only Closed Cases still.

Then change filter back to All, incorrectly still applying both old filters [Closed * KNZ]

Finally change to Open Cases, empty result set because now showing [Closed * KNZ * Open], and [Closed*Open] is always empty set.


and here’s the view setup:

Is this grid populated by a BAQ?
If so, you need to remove the BAQ query ID from the provider model and set it up in each view. Then, remove the client filter and set those in the where clause of the BAQ Options.

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It is; it comes from an app generated by “deploy Kinetic Dashboard” from the Dashboard app. i will give this a go shortly.

It appears then that for BAQ generated dashboards and the current situation (my understanding):

  1. The data is pulled only once and filtered by dropping records at the client end each time a filter is selected, so effectively each selected filter criterion is ANDed with the previously selected ones.
  2. The Refresh button actually does nothing useful? I think I’ve noticed this earlier with BAQ dashboards.

Yup, so do what I said by removing the info from the provider model and putting it all in the views as so:

Which should then function as expected (this is my custom app made with the wizard):


Sorry @hmwillett, I’m stuck on syntax again i think.

I moved the BAQ reeference from the provider to each of my views, and the views were actually now working using the client side filters as expected.

But I assume the BAQ parameters where clause approach may be more efficient, but I cannot get the syntax right:

I have tried adding using the “Where List” with no luck as well as just entering the where clause
but gives me in the debug console , and network tab shows no filter applied, as do results.

Fair enough, its a string constant methinks, use double quotes (Value is "CLOSED"), but console then shows:

OK, your example had single quotes, that must be it (Value is ‘CLOSED’), but again console returns to

I tried all the above just setting the Where as a string but similar results.

I must be missing something very obvious?

No, I mean… you got it this time, lol.


Just to confirm–all of the properties from the provider model have been cleared out?

Out of curiosity, throw a new grid on your form and set it up the same way with the BAQ views.
Sometimes a property gets “stuck” here or there.

The Provider model still has its epbinding set, and column definitions: blitz those too?

Reluctant to blitz the columns there if i dont need to as takes a while to set them up nicely…

Mmm, maybe not. I added those into mine just to see and it still works just fine.

I would try setting up a new grid as a test and see if that helps.

I blitzed’em anyway; everything else seems to work but still getting arbage. i’ll try another filter eg KNZ before scrapping the layer.

Don’t scrap the full layer. Just create another grid and set it up similar to see if the error goes away. If it does, migrate to that one and delete the old grid. Just make sure the IDs and bindings are the same before getting rid of the old.

Sooooorrrryyyy been a numpty.

I got the company filters working, went back to check again my column name. Had to read it about ten times to realise the misatke, not HDCase_CaseStatus, but HDCase_HDCaseStatus

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Thanks so much for your help!

I’m glad ya’ll got it working by hacking the system, but this can’t be the intended behavior.