Dashboard tracker combo filter based on another


I am creating a Dashboard to view a Customer PriceList, in order to export as an excel file. (Customer’s request )

So I am configuring a Dashboard tracker view with the first combo being the Customer, using the Customer BO having the CustNum as ValueMember.

The next combo is the Pricelist. (a customer may have more than one pricelist )

I want the pricelist combo to only show the pricelist of the selected customer, and if a customer is not selected, the pricelist combo would show them all…

I have seen Jose’s video about his trick… but I do not see the epibinding available in the control properties…probably due to their link as TrackerQueryControl…

So how would I go about to make this work?


I have done similar thing before, I use the event BeforeDropDown and modify the list based on what has been selected. I then populate the combo box based on a BAQ that accepts parameters. For the code below, I change the list based on what was highlighted in the view.

private void epiUltraComboNewBin_BeforeDropDown(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs args)
	// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
	// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **	
	EpiDataView dv = (EpiDataView)oTrans.EpiDataViews[ "V_AP_InvBinTransferV2_1View1" ]; // or use oTrans.Factory("name")
		string warehouse = dv.CurrentDataRow["PartBin1_WarehouseCode"].ToString();
		DynamicQueryAdapter queryAdapter = new DynamicQueryAdapter(this.oTrans);

		string queryID = "AP-WhseBin"; // Change to your BAQ.  BAQ must have parameters matching below.

		QueryExecutionDataSet parameters = new QueryExecutionDataSet();
		parameters.ExecutionParameter.AddExecutionParameterRow("Warehouse", warehouse , "string", false, Guid.NewGuid(),"A");

		queryAdapter.ExecuteByID(queryID, parameters);

		epiUltraComboNewBin.DataSource = queryAdapter.QueryResults.Tables["Results"];
	catch (Exception ex)

Please could you post the link to Jose’s video you mention?
I’m trying to do something similar and it would be a big help!

I think he refers this one.