Dashboard to Determine if we will meet MFG Requirements

I have been requested to create and a dashboard the will display open SO’s with manufactured parts, then determine, by going down at least 3 BOM levels, if we will have all the materials in house weather purchased (open PO) or also manufactured to complete for shipping.

I have tried to come up with a way but are very unsuccessful… coming up with logic to disperse commonly use raw materials against multiple open jobs that are required within the same time frame has also been challenging.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

A few questions

Are you already run MRP (and trust the results)?
i.e. you already have a process for acquiring your supply parts, when they are needed?

And this custom dashboard(s) would be just a review tool

  • to help users find open mtls and list them as either onhand, or not - per specific SO?

Where everything is direct (nonstock), I’ve been able to build indented BAQs based on the JobMtl table. Are the parts on your SOs all direct (NonStock) or do you build them to stock?

Yes we running MRP and results are usually accurate.
It would be a tool for our finance team to determine if we will indeed make shipments for a part number that is manufactured. One would assume that in the perfect world if everything is done it the system this wouldn’t be necessary but I believe this is being used for some type of forecasting.

Everything is Buy to Stock. It would be very simple if we did buy direct, lol.

In your case I might start with a basic BAQ

  • JobMtl.IssuedComplete = False
  • and an open join from JobMtl.MtlPart → PartBin.PartNum
  • just to see open mtls, and if you have stock

Tying jobs/mtls back to the SO will be trickier

  • Have you looked at the Pegging process?
  • or I know of one site that set up a UD table
    — to store the JobNum and the Top Level Sales Order
    — manually maintained as follows - kind of klunky but works for them
    ----- a.) Optional - run MRP and/or generate to “catch up”
    ----- b.) enter the SO
    ----- c.) manually create a matching top level job - to stock
    ----- d.) run MRP
    ----- e.) Pull a list of new Jobs to Excel ( from Job Status Manager )
    ----- f.) Update Excel fields to match your UD table and then Paste/Insert the records
    -------- Optionally - do the same thing for POs

Like I said, kind of klunky to setup and maintain but… saves them a lot of time in matching DIRECT supply and demand.
They also added the UD tables Top Level references in a lot of trackers - so you can tell right away where the deamnd is coming from.

I would look at the production planning workbench. There’s a build process where you can set dates and whether to include unreceived POs. Only problem is you can’t ignore unreceived mfg jobs. If you’re not updating due dates on late mfg jobs it could show material is available when it really isn’t.

I do this calculation a bunch of different ways, but I am currently converting my dashboard to 10. It takes on hand and receipts and then uses PartDtl for all requirements and POs to build a time phase of all material on the job being calculated into a UD table and then checks by either lead time if not PO has been placed yet or by actual POs to see if any material has a negative status by the material due date.

I will post it once it is working in 10 and you can see if it fits what you need.