As you can see this is an Dashboard-Runtime tracker. But How did they get the VendeorEntry.dll into that? I’ve tried and it doesn’t work like that for me. LOL!
What I was asked to do, was on this Supplier tracker add in some Purchase Parts info from another BAQ. So I turned that into a dashboard and went about doing a simple Sheet wizard customization. Once I got all of that done, I saw the new tab and it worked. Logged out and back in and that tab was missing. As you can see, no customization allowed on this one. So i created another Supplier tracker with just the .dll and inputted the customization and still nothing. So, at a loss. That is what prompted me to look at everything critically and see what is going on.
I think the issue you are having is runtime vs assembly. It’s pretty common (it’s the winform equivalent of why doesn’t my gui update from another thread)
.In general, if you want to do customization to a dashboard - BEFORE making customization changes, deploy it as a Smart CLient Application - this turns it into an assembly (DLL).
Once that is done, if you create a menu item and pick the type to be DASHBOARD-ASSEMBLY, you should see you db in the dropdown. From here you can customize like a normal form. Once you’ve created a customization, you can go back to your menu item and set the default customization just like a form.
Words of advice - DO NOT USE ADD MENU TAB OR FAVORTE ITEM. They are more trouble than they are worth imho.
But then it looses it connection with the Erp.UI.VendorEntry.dll. And that is something I can’t figure out. When you do the normal dashboard the program that is used is not the one currently being used. How did they get that set up like that ?
The Dashboard was built by MANAGER. The BAQ associated with it has been declared a system BAQ called zCashRecipeitTracker. I can open them, can’t do it unless I save them under my name. I took a good look and it appears that in Supplier Tracker someone added in a tab on Main called Links. These links are connected to the BAQ/Dashboard I’m referencing. I tried to integrate me extra info, but it wouldn’t take it. And to top it all off, the subcategories in Links do not match the BAQ entirely.
I’ve tried copying it and nit didn’t help any. Haven’t traced anything yet as I had some other issues come up yesterday. But will be trying that soon. Could be all the above I guess. But looking at it from the customization side, it was customized when they first started using Epicor 10. So, this is something that prob will not be getting changed anytime soon. I’m thinking I can rebuild the data from this and then make a new menu item complete with the extra info. This way my guy can use it if he chooses.
I thought I’d check the old E9 menu and this isn’t a dashboard runtime,
My mistake, I see now that this is not a part of supplier management enhancement.
It’s just the regular supplier tracker.
E9… a regular menu item for the program - Epicor.Mfg.UI.SupplierTracker.dll
and… customization is enabled for this menu item.
(it does use a tracker icon).
So… I’m thinking this might be an upgrade issue with E10… maybe worth a call to support.
That’s very interesting. But I found a way around it that works very well. I copied the menu item, selected it as a menu and not a dashboard, program was erp.ui.vendorentry.dll, and the cash recipient tracker nz auto populated in the dashboard area. Then I just added my customization to it. It works identical to the original one but has the customization in it. so there is a way around it, but its not real user friendly. LOL!
This is an E10 upgrade issue - something in the menu does not get populated correctly during an upgrade process. Menu setup will display partially erroneously info - i.e. Dashboard Runtime and the default “Cash Receipt Tracker NZ”. However, the tracker and it’s customization are launched correctly, just as it would have in E9.
I don’t know the exact sequence I used to finally get my menu setup to re-populate with the correct info as I was trying several things.
possible after I made a new personalization for the Supplier Tracker.
or when I saved a new customization and checked “All Companies”
regardless - see the screen shot for menu item - this is what the menu maintenance SHOULD look like.
@bordway I don’t know about it being erroneous info, as the one we have been using is very accurate. It may of been fixed before my time, but I know it works exactly as it is supposed to.
Yes… the upgraded custom screen is working.
But… the information displayed in menu setup is erroneous after the upgrade.
By playing with a few things… MY menu setup was finally refreshed and I can change/add customizations normally again… as displayed in the previous screenshot.
i.e. it fixed itself while I was saving a “Personlization” or saving customization for All Companies"