We recenltly have updated a couple of our dashboards (both a regular and updateable).
After we re-deployed it appears that the grid is greyed-out for some users when they launch dashboard. The refresh still works but the GUI itself does not look correct. On one of the dashboards the tracker filters stopped working as well.
We have cleared cache and removed any personalizations.
Still the same behavior.
If it looks different for one user than another, then it is a personalization or cache issue. Since you’ve deleted the personalizations, then the cache is the last suspect. Although you can “clear client cache” from Epicor, it doesn’t always clear. I typically recommend that you close Epicor and the delete the “C:\ProgramData\Epicor” folder on the client (not the server). Yes the whole folder, yes it’s safe (except on the server).
We had already cleared the cache.
Also this behavior happens when logged into different machines.
On my machine if I log into Epicor as myself, the dashboard is fine.
On the same machine, logged in as the user with the issue… the problem still persists.
I will give deleting the files a try and see what happens.