Dashboard input of Yes/No/Either for checkbox Tracker inputs

Is there a good way to allow a dashboard to have the option for “both” for a boolen (checkbox) field?

If you have a search parameter for a character field in a dashboard, leaving it blank means to ignore that filter. But checkboxes only have “checked” and “unchecked” states. There is no “unselected” checkbox state.

So how do you make a dashboard with a checkbox field search, to be able to choose: “checked”, “unchecked”, or “both”?

What I do is to make a calculated field (of type char) in the BAQ, and have it be a combination of the bit field’s state and a common letter. Like

ActiveStatus = (case when Part,InActive = 1 then 'IB' else 'AB" end)

Then in the dashboard’s tracker pane, have an input for ActiveStatus with the condition MATCHES. Then have the label for that field be

Status (I|A|B):

if it is I, it returns only records where Part.InActive is true
if it is A, it returns only records where Part.InActive is false
If its blank OR is B, it returns all records regardless of the value in Part.InActive

Is there a better way to have a boolean field as a search parameter, but with the option for “don’t care” ?

Some clarity …

“I”, “A”, “B” was for “Inactive”, “Active”, and “Both”.

A more generic implementation is
“Y”, “N”, “B” for “Yes” (boolean = True or 1), “No” (false or 0), “Both”

Hi Calvin,

Do you have any update on this topic?


There was a change in E10 where MATCHES used to imply wild cards were added at the beginning and end of you value.

If my tracker’s field’s value was A the MATCH condition would actually look for matches with *A*

Now E10 only uses your fields value. If you want the wild cards, you have to add them when typing in the field.