Dashboard Idea

As I have been very open about my learning Epicor as I go, I have not ventured to much into Dashboards. However, I am needing to create one and this one might be a little interesting. I’m sure this is very basic for most of you out there, and so I want to glean from your knowledge and experience to help me make this happen. What we are wanting is to be able to type in either a phone number or contact name or company name and pull up recent orders, buying statistics, and few other things. My big thing is how to set it up, in the general sense. And where can I go for more info on how to do this, if there is even anything out there. I already have the BAQ written for the info I want, just trying to figure out how to use the dashboard as described.

If you have access to epic web, this link has examples of creating dashboards. Once you have the BAQ, it’s pretty simple to add the grid and the tracker view for filters. Other stuff get’s more involved, but start simple.



Here is a helpfull link for basic customizations like dashboard creation,Reports…Plese refer ‘Dashbord’ section to create / Deploy new dashboard.

Good Luck !


I think the ‘starter recipe’ you are looking for is something like this:

Dashboards can have multiple tabs (grids/charts) that are related (or not) and linked (or not).
Each tab is based on a query, so you need to organize your data first - and write a few queries.
Create a dashboard and add those queries and get the basic layout figured out.
As for keying in a phone # or contact name - that’s a Tracker view of a query.

I would start with a customer BAQ that has the basic customer data (custnum, custid, name, primary contact name, phone #) and get that on to a dashboard. Create the grid and tracker views and get the tracker view ‘search’ capability working. Then I’d ‘publish’ the custnum from that query.

The other queries for recent orders and buying stats should contain the field custnum and whatever else you need. When you add those queries (with grid/chart/tracker views) you should set them to ‘subscribe’ to the published custnum field. this creates a parent-child like link so when the main view changes customer, the other queries refresh and show the data for that customer.

Something like that sounds like what you want to do. Maybe not, but I hope that helps.

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@MikeGross that is extremely helpful! Much appreciated!

I’ve been reviewing the info every has given me and it is very helpful! As I was starting to build the Dashboard, I did a quick search and noticed a dashboard CSR-Dashboard built by Manager. I am assuming this is a system dashboard. If so, this is almost what we want, just needs a few modifications. Can that be done or am I better just building from scratch?

You can try. You’ll have to copy the dashboard to be able to make changes, but if the tweaks are small, that could work.

The built in dashboards seem pretty complicated most of the time (which makes sense, why bother making simple ones?) and adjustments, in my experience, are kind of difficult due the the complexity. But if you copy it out, no harm in trying, and you might save a lot of time.

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@Banderson I copied the dashboard and when running it, before I tinkered with it, it gave this type of error.

Error Detail

Message: COM-InvoicesPerCustomer-By Order: View Filter exception. View Filter not applied. A DataColumn has been dropped from BAQ results table.
Inner Exception Message: Cannot perform ‘=’ operation on System.Int32 and System.String.

Inner Exception

Cannot perform ‘=’ operation on System.Int32 and System.String.

Inner Stack Trace

at System.Data.BinaryNode.BinaryCompare(Object vLeft, Object vRight, StorageType resultType, Int32 op, CompareInfo comparer)
at System.Data.BinaryNode.EvalBinaryOp(Int32 op, ExpressionNode left, ExpressionNode right, DataRow row, DataRowVersion version, Int32[] recordNos)
at System.Data.BinaryNode.Eval(DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)
at System.Data.DataExpression.Invoke(DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)
at System.Data.Index.AcceptRecord(Int32 record, IFilter filter)
at System.Data.Index.InitRecords(IFilter filter)
at System.Data.Index…ctor(DataTable table, IndexField[] indexFields, Comparison`1 comparison, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
at System.Data.DataTable.GetIndex(IndexField[] indexDesc, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
at System.Data.DataView.UpdateIndex(Boolean force, Boolean fireEvent)
at System.Data.DataView.UpdateIndex(Boolean force)
at System.Data.DataView.SetIndex2(String newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter, Boolean fireEvent)
at System.Data.DataView.SetIndex(String newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter)
at System.Data.DataView.set_RowFilter(String value)
at Ice.UI.Dashboard.DashboardView.ApplyViewFilter(IPublisher pub, PublishEventArgs args)

I can just delete the part that does this, but I like to have the info without the error. I’ve tried removing it and redoing everything but run into further issues. Any ides?

I get errors just running the stock one. Not the same error for me.

I think you might need someone smarter than me to track down what’s going on with this one.

I’m scheduled to take some of the Dashboard classes. Hopefully that helps me put hings together. So much I don’t know! Sadly next to nothing online except the paid classes. So I must wait.

Ok, SO I’ve looked in the manual and can’t find this. When making my dashboard I am trying to et the new query to be in a tab not a separate block. How do I do this?

Never mind! Figured it out!!

@Banderson @Prakash_Bankar @MikeGross

Do you know if it’s possible to put two queries in a dashboard into one page and not two separate? I took the system CSR-Dashboard and copied it, then redid the whole thing using that as a template. Went much faster than I had anticipated. But on the Customer page I am wanting to put some customer analytics but that would be a completely different query. So didn’t know if that was possible.

Grab the tab when you enter a new query and drag it around. There is some snapping that will happen and through trial and error you can get the grids to be either their own tab, or a pane on the screen so you can see both at once.

Edit, but if you mean a different query on the same tab, no, that takes more advanced customization that I haven’t been able to figure out. If you make it a different pane, it will always show.

If you have epicor education installed as an instance at your company it has a good course on how to create a dashboard.

Unfortunately we don’t. They prefer to pay for the classes as i need them. But, what I have learned form the manual and from this website and you guys here. has go me started in the right direction.