Dashboard Header on Different Sized Views

I have a dashboard with a header containing a few search fields, and a grid below. If I view it full screen, it looks right but if I use a smaller view, the grid overlaps the header and covers some of the controls. Is there any way to lock the height of the header so that doesn’t happen?

Are the search fields and the grid on the same sheet(or pane)?

Typically when I make a Dashboard and add a Tracker view for the search fields, it creates two panes. I can then move them around (Search above Results, search to the left of the results, etc…)

Are the search fields and the grid on the same sheet(or pane)?

[Bob Sanderson] No, separate panes. I don’t even know how to put them both on the same pane.

Typically when I make a Dashboard and add a Tracker view for the search fields, it creates two panes. I can then move them around (Search above Results, search to the left of the results, etc…)

[Bob Sanderson] That’s what I have but when I resize the window, the grid moves over the header and I have to resize it.

The pane the grid is on overlaps the pane the search filed are on? Or the grid is repositioned on its own pane making some of it obscured?

First off, try resetting layouts to base.

Next try dragging the panes until they “snap” to a location

to get:

I drag the tracker pane until I see the snap outline:

This is what I’m talking about



Does the “All POs” pane have a vertical scrollbar when it gets like that?

When I resize a window with panes setup like yours, it looks like it tries to maintain the ratio of the two panes heights. I think you’ll always need to grab that bar between them and drag it to a new spot after changing the window’s height.


Just realized that the ratio of the widths - when panes are side-by-side - is not maintained when changing the window width.

Yes, it does have the scroll bar and I think you are correct that it trying to maintain the ratio. What bothers me is that I have seen dashboards with the same format that don’t have the problem. One thing I’ve noticed is that there is a thick black line between the grid and header on mine, and the dashboards that don’t have the scaling problem do not have that. I don’t know if that’s related or not.


You have to drag the pane just 1px or 2px above the snap and there will be another snap, both snaps will be identical and its hard to confused them BUT one will be fixed, and other one wont.

Trust me there are 2 diff snaps, in the same location one is just 1px above :smiley:

Which way do you snap is the question :smiley:

Number 1

Number 2

I am a Number 2 snapper.

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I’ve been able to do that with the header below the grid (after many tries) but not on top. Anyway, thanks. I’ll keep trying.

Notice in my screenshot on top it says “Sites” snap it to that, not the above the grid – but go up higher.

You’ll get it, snapping is mastered over time… took me a while to get good at the pixel :slight_smile:

I have the tracker on the top. I haven’t found a good way to lock the grid to it. I just move it around until it finally locks. It’s very frustrating at times.

That did it and I don’t have the resizing problem any more. Thanks so much.

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