Dashboard grid properties not displaying query columns

Hey all,

I have a dashboard that isn’t cooperating and I’ve never seen this happen before. I tried creating another dashboard for a sanity check and same behavior.

The dashboard is displaying costing data and other columns I don’t want, they aren’t included in the query, and they don’t show up in the properties so that I can make them invisible.

Thanks for reading!

The immediate answer would be to Clear the Cache and try re-deploy.

Thanks, Yasir. Unfortunately that didn’t help.

In addition to the dashboard not working correctly (now it doesn’t display any data at all), I also can’t delete it…when I try to delete, the menu tree disappears, no confirmation dialogue appears, and the dash board is still in the system.

Just curious, a few questions
Did you log off/on Epicor after clearing the client cache?
If you test the the BAQ does that work as expected?
Do you happen to have multiple companies setup?
What is your version of Epicor?

Full reboot after clearing the cache.
Query works as expected.
Single company and version 10.2.700.11

Oddly enough, my 3rd attempt (same query, no changes in setup) is working.

Now I just need to figure out how to delete the ‘bad’ ones as they are now zombie dashboards. Something is definitely not right here, but now that I have one working, I can probably move on and just add it the list of things to ignore until they blow up bigger later!

Thanks for jumping in, Bruce.

One more thing, run the following query:

select DashboardSchema, * from ice.DashBdDef

Compare the Prob. Dashboard Row with the Correct ones. Also, Pull out DashboardSchema, and compare it with corrected one schemas… Seems to be tedious but this is required to figure out.