Dashboard customization error

I have an updatable dashboard, to allow editing an extended table UD field.

The Dashboard has a Tracker pane, with two fields and a button. The first field if the OrdDerDtl.LineDesc (non-updatable), and the second is the Extended table UD field (also a text field).

The dashboard works fine (displays panes properly, and properly does the updatable stuff)

I added a button to copy the text from the LineDesc to the UD field.

private static void btnCopyDesc_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
	// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
	EpiTextBox eucLineDesc = (EpiTextBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("fb2b577a-4281-4207-9ad8-0f8a5127da1d");
	EpiTextBox eucLabelText = (EpiTextBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("d90307ff-0f7b-4b2c-82af-59293efc8684");
	eucLabelText.Text = eucLineDesc.Text;

Using the Test Code function in the customization, yields “success”.

But I’m getting the following error:when I click the button.

Control with specified EpiGuid property does not exist.

What am I missing?

That guid may be dynamically generated and not exist… is this for a deployed dashboard?

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Yes. The Dashboard is deployed. The customization was done after it was deployed, as it wouldn’t compile with the two GetNative… lines in there (should have been a red flag, but it wasn’t)

If it fixes my problem, the dashboard doesn’t need to be deployed. Can just be a menu item Runtime Dashboard.

I may have have provided misleading info…

  1. I created the updateble BAQ,
  2. Customized the pane (resized controls, added button Control, and button click event - sans any actual code in the event handler). Didnt add the handler code, as it wouldn’t pass the Deploy Dashboard process.
  3. Customized a menu instance of the Dashboard - which I now realize is not the deployed dashboard.

The only place I see the Deployed Dashboard is where it was added to the manin screen as it’s own tab:

Selecting Developer Mode doesn’t give me context for customizing the deployed dashboard.

How do I customize the Deployed Dashboard?

You can’t get a hold of data inside the dashboard that is embedded in a customization at least not that way.

I saw a post about having to do customizations after it was deployed. Is that not true?

And If I can customize before deployment, how to get past the error occur during deployment:

--------compile errors------------
 Error: CS0103 - line 395 (394) - The name 'csm' does not exist in the current context
 Error: CS0103 - line 396 (395) - The name 'csm' does not exist in the current context
 ** Compile Failed. **

And how do I remove the Deployed Dashboard that was added as a tab on the main window?

I know this is an old topic - but i have a simplified question i am wondering if you could confirm
if you gentlemen have an opportunity.

When a dashboard is created and deployed and added to a menu selection as a deployed dsb is it true that
(1) if changes are made to the dashboard - and re-deployed, the menu selection will call the updated dashboard when it is selected … sounds simple enough, eh.
(2) and, if there are multiple menu items calling the same dashboard - they will also call the updated dashboard,
(3) IF the dashboard definition is EXPORTED the menu selections remain unchanged (you would think),
(4) IF the dashboard definition is DELETED the menu selections are deleted.



  1. yes… IF the new deployed dashboard is given the same name as the original (which it should be by default). When you deploy it, you should get a warning message that the file exists. If you DON’T get that message, the menu call won’t be updated. Check in Menu Maintenance to confirm the filename.

  2. not necessarily… I ALWAYS check these in Menu Maintenance. Some dashboards that look EXACTLY don’t always use the same deployed filenames.

  3. if the dashboard definition is exported there is no effect on the menu entries whatsoever.

  4. no, The menu items will still exist and if you click them you’ll get an error message.

I get this error from time to time but it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have a label on the form with this EpiGuid. I am doing a demo on this code in 2 days and I don’t want this error to crop up. Is there anything I can do to shore this up and make sure it don’t happen in a random fashion anymore? I am using this as validation in the Leave event of a text box I put on the form.

Control with specified EpiGuid property does not exist.
lblCalibrationTest = (EpiLabel)csm.GetNativeControlReference(“a0c41e3e-48d5-466a-a859-2d24b351d028”)

I’m not sure why a label control would have it’s GUID vary from time to time. Unless, there is code elsewhere that actually removes the control from the form. When this error pops up, is the label actually missing from the form?

And just curious … how are you using the label control? are you changing its text or something?

Yes, but only after getting a test result from a file. This is happening way before this.

You’re using a native label control ? Why not just add one, and then there would be no need to reference it by its GUID.

I have added one. That’s a good point. I don’t need to reference by Guid. I can reference it like I do in my Windows apps. I will try that.

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