Dashboard Chart Control

I am trying to reduce the dependence on Corvu as it did not upgrade well when we moved from V8 to V10. We have a column chart in corvu that for whatever reason display inaccurate data in the chart. The underlying data is correct. Anyway, I have created a BAQ that returns the data needed and when I add a chart view to the dashboard, the Columns are sorted left to right in an ASCII manner. In corvu the columns are displayed left to right by value of data in descending order - same as the Query data from the BAQ.

Can I customize the chart to sort in the manner I want (value of Y-Axis Descending)

Try Pareto Chart in the Dashboard Chart Settings.

Very close :+1:
Too bad it is not an option in 10.2.200 - hopefully they wont mind the line running through it when we upgrade

Edit: Pareto is not an option in Dashboard developer, but I made it an assembly and then in the chart settings - chart style it is available in 10.2.200

I still wouldn’t mind having control over the labels for the X and Y axis
