Does anyone have any history with both methods and can tell me the pros/cons?
While doing testing, I was a bit disappointed to see that after you enter a count towards a 30 day cycled part, that part number would NOT automatically be assigned to the next 30 day cycle or separate schedule. It looked as though you must complete that 30 day cycle and then reassign all parts on day 31. Is this correct?
In the cycle counting module, parts can only be on one active cycle at a time. This mean you cannot plan out a full year of counts all at once. Also, Repetitive will plan to count all your items in a given 12 month period. That is not necessarily true with Random.
The correct method for running cycle counting is to set up all of the periods. Then, on the first day of every month, once all cycles from the previous period are complete, you then run plan parts to count for the new period. Parts from the previous period that were counted and have a days between count of 30 will be added to the new period.
Note that there is an issue withing Epicor regarding Last Count Day. The Last Count Day on PartWhse table is populated in 1 of 2 ways; either by a cycle count OR when the part is initially created. This is done so that new parts added to the system will naturally role into the cycle program. BUT, that can cause issues on databases with lots of historical data if you are starting a cycle program a year or two into using the system. The Initialize Last Count Data program does not overwrite existing dates. You would need a fix from Epicor called FX_UpdateLastCCdate (If I remember correctly) which clears all dates and then you can run the Initialize program to properly spread out the last Count dates. (This is still an issue in E10)
This can be a huge topic, so let me know if you have other questions.
The word “Random” can have two meanings here… and in my way of looking at it, “Random” returns a consistant number of part numbers every day, verses Repetitive, which returns a random number of parts.
For this reason, i like to choose Random, and set the number of parts to count daily to be HIGHER than needed so that you still get your consistant counts, but the cycle counts are the same size every day. Repetitive can result in peaks and valleys for counting… See the screenshot of the spreadhseet below… (and attached)… it helps you decide how many parts to count on a daily basis… just bump each count by a few percentage points, and you will “overcount” your inventory every year. Cycle Counting part count Model.xlsx (11.0 KB)
I’m new to using Epicor and trying to figure out a good way to set up cycles for every period. Could you guys tell me how/ where to find and set up “Random method” for cycle counting? For what I see, we use Repetitive currently.