Cycle Count Sequence on Bins

Hi All,
Currently I’m facing difficulties in the sequence of the bins in the cycle count.

When generating tags I can chose from 3 options for the sequence.

  • By Bin ID / Part ID / UOM / Lot Nr

  • By Part Class / Bin ID / Part / UOM / Lot nr

  • By Part / Bin ID / UOM / Lot nr

Mostly we will chose for the first option to follow a logical path through the warehouse. However de sequence which is given is not logical, as for Cycle Count Epicor follows the bin numbers (like A-1-1-1, followed by A-1-1-2, next A-1-2-1). Often the last digit is the elevation. This means the person who is counting will go constantly up and down, where working on 1 level would be much more efficient, also with using/not using a forklift (on groundlevels you don’t need one).

Till now I was not able to find a solution for this.

I know in the Warehouse Bin Maintenance/Detail we have the field Sequence, but this field is apparently used for picking and replenishement only. I also tried with filling location fields (Aisle, Face and Elevation), but no success on this one.

Any ideas or solutions?

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Welcome to the group!

I think you’d need to get clever with the way you enter (or print) the data - I don’t think it’s going to be possible to override the tag logic (not easy or worth your time anyway).

How do you capture the counts? Paper printouts? Or electronically (handhelds or tablets)? Or good old ULine carbon-copy hanging tags?

When we used paper (just standard printer-sized paper), I made special SSRS reports (each based on a BAQ) that parsed out our shelf ID into zones and then grouped by that.

I’ve also (with mixed success) made an updateable dashboard for entering tags (instead of them using Count Tag Entry). It had calculated fields that translated the Epicor tag ID into something more readable (a ULine tag number actually).

Just some thoughts.

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Hi Jason,
thanks for your reply.
Most of our customers are going for the digital way of working, so with a tablet or handheld.
Going for paper would, in the current situation, make it easier to do the counting, indeed working with a different report and BAQ.
However we all know the future is digital and this should make processing of the counting a lot easier and faster.
So basically the processing of the count in count tag entry for me is not an issue the way it is working in Kinetic. The sequence in counting with the handheld is where I am stuck.