Cycle Count on a Bin

Hello All,

Is their a way to do a cycle count on just a bin?

Cycle counting using the cycle count feature within Epicor is done by part number not by bin location. When we want to count bin locations, we use a dashboard and then enter in the information via a quantity adjustment.

I think you are limited to Warehouse. If a part is in one bin instead of the other, you’ll want to update both. Right? :wink:

EDIT: And you can set the selection set to the one part once there.

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@Mark_Wonsil So we already have a Cycle Count period for this year running, but we just installed a VLM (Vertical Lift Machine) and intergrated with Epicor, about 3k parts were moved from their old locaiton to the VLM, VLM is a bin our Epicor for the location, we just want to do a cycle count on the parts that were moved to the VLM bin to ensure accuracy. So can I create a new cycle count for just the parts in the VLM bin that is seperate from our ongoing 2023 cycle count?

Is the VLM a warehouse in Kinetic or just a group of bins in an existing warehouse?

Since you moved items from one set of bins to another, if you find an error, won’t you have to fix it in both places? The VLM may be correct, but the source bin will remain wrong if you only count items in the VLM.

If memory serves, the part cannot be part of another active cycle, but otherwise, you can count it in another cycle.

Yes we will have to fix it in both places but looking to target these parts only. But if those parts are already part of another cycle and I cant put them in another cycle then im pretty much dead in the water.

You can set the selection to any parts you want in Excel and paste the records into the Cycle Selection grid.

In a previous life, we counted daily, and the selection was every part active on the previous business day. We had a BAQ to find those parts (from PartTran) and pasted the result into the Cycle Selection Grid. (Also added other parts to ensure in active parts were counted periodically.)

If those parts are on another ACTIVE cycle, then you should count them in that cycle.

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