We hadn’t been doing cycle counts, and started them last year with fairly good success. However, it became apparent in the middle of the year that the “A” items that accounted for 80% of the cost/usage, weren’t getting counted multiple times during the year.
I had setup a single cycle count schedule that was primarily Jan-Dec with a few gapped weeks. I used the part selection and it all worked good. However when going to set it up for '24… my ABC codes are right, but it’s not scheduling my A’s (every 91 days) or my B’s (every 182 days) for multiple cycle counts…
Is this a case where I need to do quarterly counts since thats my lowest frequency? Going to test that, but don’t wanna count all items every quarter, thats for sure.
Any help or direction would be massively appreciated!
Does it try to count all the longer* interval stuff every quarter though? That’s my only concern. I just put a fresh backup to Pilot to give that a try…
yes, your problem is that the when the system selects for the period, it can only select every part one time. a part cannot be active in any cycle count more than one time. SOOO… if you want to count A items 4 times per year, then you need to have AT A MINIMUM, 4 different count schedules.
I typically recommend that you do 12 schedules, even if only counting a items 4 times per year. This allows for changes during the year… so…
every month, seelct the new parts for the new month
every day, do your counts, and post the counts
Here is an illustration that shows the SETUP (red) vs MONTHLY (blue) vs DAILY (Green)
Thats a pretty dope graphic you’ve got there! Explains a lot better than the manual, that’s for sure.
We do a weekly count, and average about 40ish items across the entire company, so I may stick to the quarterly, but good to know my guess will work. (Literally setting it up to try in Pilot).
thanks for the compliment on the graphic. I assembled that using Powerpoint graphics… note that the BOXES around the text are also color coded… the orange borders would typically be done by administrator/supervisor. The PURPLE borders are items that would be done by stock room person.