CustXPart: Part Entry Updating

IF PN A has a CustXPart PN 23-A, when you enter 23-A in Part Entry, does it populate A instead?

In E9 it does but in E10 is does not. I dont remember doing a customization.

No, the Part form would not (and should not) populate the main Part Number from the CustXPart Number that you enter. This is because Customer Part Cross Reference entries are customer-specific. So CustXPart Number 23-A could be associated to Part A for customer 123, but at the same time CustXPart Number 23-A could also be associated to Part B for customer 456.

Still looking into this.

IF 23-A is unique though, our E9 system is displaying A. Which sounds like it should.

I cant find a BPM or form code.

Hmm, not sure. We were never on E9. We started on 10.1. We’re currently on 10.2.300 and I just tried your scenario where there’s a unique Customer Part. When I typed in the Customer Part number in the Part Maintenance form it did not retrieve our master part number. I just received the “not found” message. Hopefully someone whose been in E9 can chime in. :slight_smile:
Good luck!


If you do the same thing In order entry the part master will show up. Enter CustXPart at Part/rev, the part master will show up. That used to do it on Part Entry. I have an open case with EPICOR.

I was on E9 and still have E9. Ours does not do that. Part Entry has nothing to do with a Customer Part. There is no relationship. You must have a customization hiding somewhere, perhaps its on the UI itself.

Odd I am on 9.702A on one instance.

Yes, this was a “feature” of E9. I found it because I had a user who used the custXreference for notes rather than a comments and the the notes were causing odd things to happen for other users. If there is one custXreference and you entered the Xreference in part entry it would bring up the part. If there are two or more then a popup would come up for you to pick your part. This no longer happens in 10.

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Yes that is how it functions Greg.

I already did my research and this function was removed of the system by SCR100678 and SCR 135303.
The cross reference feature did work on the past, however it was intentionally changed in 10.1 to work as it is now.

What states one of this SCR is:
If any Customer’s part number matches a part-master part # for a different part then anytime the past-master part # is entered for any customer the part selection form will display.

For example:
You have a Part on Part-master with part # ABC123
You add a Customer Part Cross Ref for Dalton (Dalton is our customer record on our test DB) with part # XYZ and Customer Part # ABC123
Now, any time you enter part # ABC123 in the application, the part # selection form will display

Expected: Customer Part Cross References should be Customer-specific so in the above example, the part selection form should only display when you are using Customer Dalton