Customizing Print Dialog for "Print Packing Slip Labels" report

I would need to add a checkbox to this dialog to print a commercial invoice at the end of the report. In short the commercial invoice will be a subreport in packslip.rpt which will print if the parameter is checked. Simple enough.

Can this sort of customization possible in the print dialog form?

If so, I’m a little lost at knowning where in the custom code to hook to this dialog object to pass that parameters to the report. I’m looking at some exemple of this sort of customization if possible.


I am interested in this customization also. I am also looking for the Commercial Invoice report/form. I am talking to Epicor about creating one for me, but if there is a shared one available, I would be interested. We are just migrating to Epicor 10 cloud from Epicor 9 installed onsite. Thanks!

The easiest solution would be to make a Report Style that uses an RDL that has the sub-report in it.

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If I understand you correctly, I would make two reportstyle, one would be just the packing slip, The other would be the packing slip and commercial invoice and the user would have to chose from there. Yes I see that working, but they absolutly want this checkbox on the form itself. Not only that I would need to pass another value from a textbox on that form. But thanks for the idea, will be usefull for other things.

Actually I found a way from another epicor consultant. And here it goes. You make a customisation of the dialog, and for the checkbox (ex) that you add on the form you bind it with CallContextBpmData and you use one the predefined field in this table (like a UD table). Then in your report you add a join to the CallContextBpmData and you can access from the report the data that was placed in the predefined field from CallContextBpmData. This table is generated atomaticly with every report.


If interested by the solution, I can help you.