for all i used the sub-process maintenace in vantage 8.03.409c and then process calling! thank you!
i customize a menu but when i try to get to that screen of another screen button, i get the default customization. is there a way, i can customize this? or have it to pull up the customization for that screen?
Process Calling Maintenance will do it.
Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer
T: 904.469.1524 mobile
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:02 PM, neverunmacron@... [vantage] <> wrote:Â<div> <p></p><p><span>i customize a menu but when i try to get to that screen of another screen button, i get the default customization. is there a way, i can customize this? or have it to pull up the customization for that screen?</span></p><p><span><br></span></p><p><span>thanks!</span></p><p><span><br></span></p><p><span>Jose</span></p><p></p> </div> <div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>