Customize Context Menu

Has anyone customized this context menu? I can make a customization to a field based context menu just fine, but I want to add an option to the “empty area” context menu, similar to Paste Insert, that takes different actions based on the content of the clipboard. I already have that part working, I just need some easy way for our users to notice it and use it, and I was hoping to add it to the context menu to do it consistently with Epicor’s procedure so as to not make it too confusing or out of place.

Check out Jose’s post on this thread for some pointers:

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Thanks Chris, but it appears that Job tree control is unique in Epicor’s derived controls, in that it offers a beforeshowcontextmenu event.

The EpiUltraGrid doesn’t appear to offer the same. I’ve been able to add a context menu item, to a context menu, but I know it is the wrong context menu because it overlays the Epicor context menu. I just can’t seem to find a reference to that particular context menu (right-click on empty area of epiultragrid) to add an item to it.