Customization to Order Entry Form

We use the configurator -

The problem is that it does not fill in the Revision field on the Sales Order for the configured part.

What I would like to assign the Orderdtl.BaseRevisionNum = OrderDtl.RevisionNum.

I have done this BPM’s but, would like to assign the revisionnum in the form.

I am looking at the Customization Manual for Simple Form Event where basically if the Orderdtl.RevisionNum is blank and the BaseRevisionNum isn’t - to assign the Base to Orderdtl.revisionNum.

What is the syntax for assigning Orderdtl.BaseRevisionNum = OrderDtl.RevisionNum.?

Hi Cathy,

If I recall correctly, the Base Part and Base Revision is used by Epicor to remember which Product Configurator was used to configure the part so it can be called again in case it needs to be reconfigured. That may be why it’s not letting you assign anything to it. It’s been awhile, so I can be completely wrong but it might be a possibility.

Mark W.

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It is used which Base Part and Base Revision is being used - However, the RevisionNum is blank for configured parts. We have a need to know what revision we are shipping. I would like to assign the BaseRevisionNum to RevisionNum so we know what was shipped on a sales order. Since RevisionNum is on so many trackers - etc - I don’t want to update all of these dashboards, report etc with the BaseRevisionNum.

Ahhhh, sorry. I got it @$$ backwards…

Mark W.

OK, so now that I know what you’re trying to do. Is there a reason why you don’t use a SET FIELD rule in the configurator to assign this? Or is this field not available on the OrderDtl field list?

Mark W.

I will check this out - I really don’t know that much about the configurator. Thank you

Hi Cathy,

I don’t understand the full scenario, it sound like they’re using the configurator as a part picker, perhaps??

In general, you need to be careful updating the OrderDtl.RevisionNum, BasePartNum or RevisionNum fields unless it is your intention to break the link back to the base configurator. I suspect the part creation settings in configurator are either set to a) part on the fly, or b) part record only, or perhaps c) not enabled which generally won’t populate a revision on a configured part num on the SO line. This is by design, so again I would


Sorry the previous response not completed before sending :blush:

In general, you need to be careful updating the OrderDtl.RevisionNum, BasePartNum or RevisionNum fields unless it is your intention to break the link back to the base configurator. I suspect the part creation settings in configurator are either set to a) part on the fly, or b) part record only, or perhaps c) not enabled which generally won’t populate a revision on a configured part num on the SO line. This is by design, so I would recommend testing it by manually selecting revision num on the SO line and see if the warning message pops up informing you ‘the saved configurator values will be lost’ before trying anything programmatically.

I do get an error message “Changing the Revision Number will delete the corresponding Part Configuration. Are you sure”

I did add the revision manually but, was able to use Order Job Wizard and jobs were created correctly.

How would it break the link to the configurator?

I guess what I don’t understand is that configured parts do have revisions -

When I look at any of the dashboards for Sales or Jobs - they show the revision -

I would just like to use the revision field instead of modifying all the dashboards and reports to show baserevisionnum.

We do get questions on how many rev B’s of a part that we shipped or need to recall.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Hello Cathy,

Maybe not ideal, but as an alternative if you cannot get this to work is to add the revision to the end of PartDescription via the Configurator. It would then be visible throughout all trackers/reports.

Mark W.

Mark- I actually like that suggestion as then you wouldn’t need to get into the changing the actual rev, which could cause issues….

Cathy- I’m curious what version are you running? E9? The reason that the CFG did not populate the revision on the SO line is (most likely) because it didn’t create the revision. Breaking the link to the configurator, in a practical sense, means that the ‘Configure’ button that was once available is now greyed out. Furthermore, any values that were selected during the original configuration session are deleted. In general, this is not a good thing, however there are cases where this is desired. The fact that you were able to select a Rev on the SO line, break the link to the CFG, and still get the correct job details indicates the CFG likely arrived at an already existing part (with approved rev and MoM). If so, then the configurator is merely acting as a ‘part picker’ (ie. selecting an existing part, rather than creating it), and I believe you would be okay to update the OE line Part Rev field. (However, I am basing this on an assumption rather than actual knowledge).

If this is the case, the trick is… you’ll need to know the latest approved Part Rev for the part selected, which would likely means that logic/code would need to be added to the CFG (or BPM, however CFG would be preferred) to read the PartRev record, and find the latest approved Rev, and then pull that into an input field in the CFG. Once in an input field, the easiest way to populate the SO (or Quote) line would be to write a document rule – OrderDtl.RevisionNum = txtPartRev (or name of input field holding the revision). Hope this makes sense and/or helps.


We are on 9.05.605

It does create a job but, there isn’t an existing BOM.

We sell Single Board Computer so revision is important to us -

I also don’t want to break anything.

I think I will just use the BaseRevisionNum that is get populated for all parts with Revisions on the orderdtl table - it also populates the BasePartNum - which is the part number we use to configure the sales order.

I was just hoping to use a field that is already on all the trackers and reports.