--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbriscoe10" <pbriscoe10@...> wrote:
changes you make directly in the properties grid view. Use an event
handler or make a custom reference to that object and change the
property ex.
Private Sub JobEntryForm_Load(ByVal sender As object, ByVal
args As EventArgs) Handles JobEntryForm.Load
'// Add Event Handler Code
Dim chklocked As EpiCheckBox = ctype
chklocked.tabstop = False
// or chklocked.tabindex = 999
End Sub
the control reference is on the grid properties view (highlight the
object and look at epiguid
> Hello,
> I added a checkbox to one of my screens via customization. However,
> now when I try to set TabStop to "False" to skip over the checkbox
> while tabbing through the screen, the setting doesn't take effect.
> Even though I save the customization, exit the program and come
> the TabStop setting changes back to "True." Has anyone else hadthis
> problem, or do you know what may be causing it? Thank you.many times with field properties the base code will override any
changes you make directly in the properties grid view. Use an event
handler or make a custom reference to that object and change the
property ex.
Private Sub JobEntryForm_Load(ByVal sender As object, ByVal
args As EventArgs) Handles JobEntryForm.Load
'// Add Event Handler Code
Dim chklocked As EpiCheckBox = ctype
chklocked.tabstop = False
// or chklocked.tabindex = 999
End Sub
the control reference is on the grid properties view (highlight the
object and look at epiguid