Customization on a Report

I was going over a few things in my system and saw an old Crystal report that had an customization on it. First, I didn’t even know you could do a customization on a report. Second, how can I view what its doing? Its been here since before I started and i think I know what its doing, but I want to look under the hood to see if I’m right.

You would need the Crystal Reports Builder program. Not free, but if your company bought it from Epicor, and you keep maintenance up to date, then you should have access to what ever the latest version is.

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Gotcha. I have no idea if we have that or not as I have never seen it or been told about it. Overall I want to move to all SSRS. One of the big questions i get is can we do things similar to Crystal in SSRS. What they mean by that is in the pic below. IS this possible in SSRS?

You can do MOST of everything in SSRS that you can do in CR. That screenshot is of the CR Runtime viewer. SSRS reports can be previewed as a PDF.

While I’m not sure how you’d do it in E10, SSRS output does support interactive “browser” viewing, where you could expand and collapse groups, scroll a large table, without the header row going off the page, etc …

Probably the weakest part of SSRS is page numbering, and Headers and Footers.

If you have a report that prints a batch of forms (like mass printing PO’s), CR can reset the page number on change of PO num. So each printed PO is numbered 1 through # of pages for that PO. SSRS would treat that as one report with sequential page numbers. If you had three PO’s, each 3 pages long, SSRS would have PO #1 with pages 1 - 3, PO#2 number Page 4 through 6, and PO#3 as pages 7 through 9. and if you used the Total number of pages “constant”, like “Page 1 of 5”, PO# would show “Page 1 of 9”, “Page 2 of 9”, “Page 3 of 9”. The first page of PO#2 would show “Page 4 of 9”, and so on.

In CR you have a report headers/footers (appears at the beginning/end of the report), and page headers/footers (appears at the beginning/end of each page). And page headers/footers can individually be turned off or on.

In SSRS you only have page headers/footers, and the only option for suppressing them is when it it is the first page (for headers), and last page (for footers).

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