Customization not showing table for EpiBinding

We are trying to add a UD field to the Supplier Price List screen. This screen, under Field Help, shows DB Fields in the VendPart table. Under UD Column Maintenance I added a custom field. I regenerated the data model and recycled the IIS pool and when I refresh UD Column Maintenance it nows says the table is in sync and the data model is in sync. So I have the custom field added to the database.

But when I go to customize the screen I discovered that the VendPart table is missing:

I tried looking under the tables containing VendPart such as “VendPartRestriction” but my custom field doesn’t show up in any of these. Where is the VendPart table? How do I bind my text field to the custom field I just added?

The view may be called something different than VendPart. Do a field help on a field on that screen and look for the epiBinding of another control on the same tab. The part before the period will be the view name. That’s where your column will be.

Or better yet, just click a different field in the customization properties and see what it’s EpiBinding is.

Ah I see… it says the DB fields are things like VendPart.* but the EpiBinding looks like subcontract.*
I do not see my custom field there either, but I feel like maybe I need to set something up. Is this done in UD Column Map?

So here’s the thing. I have a custom field on our VendPart table and I checked this out. My custom field is available in both the venPartView and subcontract views. Do you see it in the venPartView view? If not, I would suggest that something isn’t right still with the data model.

It’s not under venPartView. Maybe I missed a step somewhere to make it show up?

I can’t help you with that, sorry. Maybe @tkueppers has some suggestions?

Try clearing the client cache and getting back in.

venPartView should be where it’s at.

venPartView is likely created in code, but most likely your field will show up depending on
how they coded it.

Thanks, that got me a little further. After clearing the client cache and restarting I was able to find the field under venPartView and set it as the EpiBinding. However, it doesn’t seem to save back to the database when I put a value in the field and save. If I select a different record and load it, it also doesn’t clear this field so it doesn’t appear to be properly linked. However, all the other fields in the EpiBinding section of the widget properties are grayed out.

As I suspected, that table in the customization is an in memory table without the logic to save
to the database.

You will have to save the value manually.

As I’m unfamiliar with that screen, I can’t currently offer much info on the best way to go about it.

Option 1:
Maybe try to catch whatever type of save event happens in the form, and use an adapter to update it.

Option 2:
If the value is passed to the save/update bpm, I would do it there.

If they aren’t passed, you could pass the value in the CallContextBPM dataset and use that it the BPM
to update the field.

I’d try Option 2 or 2-1, as that is the preferred way going forward.