Customization Loads Wrong - Fields Jumbled

We’re on 905.701. We have similar customizations on several programs - Customer, Customer Tracker, Quote Entry, Quote Tracker, Order Entry, Order Tracker. Customizations have been on for 18 months. Normally, they work as expected in each program. However, occasionally the fields are jumbled when opening Quote Entry (see attached image). The workaround is to exit out of Quote Entry and re-open. 4 users, including myself, have reported this issue. It’s likely that others have experienced it but not reported it. It happens to me maybe 1-2% of the time that I open Quote Entry.

This bug isn’t a big deal as it doesn’t result in much lost time due to infrequency of occurrence and speed of workaround. I am pretty curious about it though. Let me know if you have insight, including:
-If you’ve experienced this problem with your customizations
-Why would this only occur on 1 of our customizations?


In my experience, Quote Entry has always been the buggiest form. I’ve had problems with it from 9 to 10. I haven’t seen this happen, but I’ve seen hidden controls suddenly pop up. As to why this happens I’m not sure, but maybe on initialization, setting the control locations might help? Maybe re-typing the locations and saving the customization again?

Interesting, guess that’s why it’s happened on Quote Entry and nowhere else.

This usually means your cache is corrupted. have you tried clearing your epicor cache? (Do you use terminal server? if so each user should have their own custom cache folder)

Our server guy isn’t sure what you mean by terminal server. He found the following folder location, wants to know if this is the location you were referring to where each user has their own custom cache folder.

Does clearing the cache via terminal services do the same thing as “Clear Client Cache” within Epicor?

Right but if you are using a Terminal Server or Citrix Environment where all users log in to the same “PC” you should set a custom Cache folder per user.
This folder you are showing me is the cache folder and you can / should clear it once in a while.
THe whole folder starting at C:\ProgramData\Epicor\app-9401

My experience with customizations that freak-out are possibly 2 reasons, at least in my cases. Especially in the case when it is only affecting a few people.
1 - There are personalization on the active customization. My experience is that the personalization and customization are having a conflict of control locations. Those were probably controls that were changed in the customization AFTER the personalization was created.

Custom XML Editor dialog

2 - Within the customization under Tools->Custom XML Editor on the Custom Properties Tab, if you Right-Click on the grid and Select “Show Group By”. Move the Column PropertyName into the “Group By” area. It will pivot the data to show PropertyNames. The one you are interested in are “AnchorHeight”, “AnchorLeft”, “AnchorTop”, and “AnchorWidth”. If any of these are showing then those controls are holding on the original location. Clear any records under these 4 PropertyNames. Do not clear the “Anchor” properties. Honestly, I am not sure if do so is a problem, I just don’t.

These 2 options are always my issues with freak-out screens.

Looked into both of those Dan, but 1 of the users who reported the error doesn’t have any personalizations on the customization and there weren’t any records under the anchor property. Thanks for suggestion.

Jose, regarding clearing the cache:

  1. Should we delete the app-9401 folder itself or just all of its contents? Or does it not matter?
  2. Why should we clear the cache folder once in a while? What should clearing it do besides fixing the customization glitch? Is there any downside to clearing it?
  3. Is deleting the cache for an individual user the same thing as doing “Clear Client Cache” in Epicor for that user? If so, could we resolve the glitch by having each affected user do “Clear Client Cache”? If not, how are they different?

Any word on this?

Heads up for anyone else who reads and considers deleting that folder: we deleted the folder over the weekend and a user reported that the bug occurred again this morning.