Customization in Eng Workbench to add an image search/selection like on Part Attributes?

We are on the cloud, using the Classic view (not Kinetic) for this scenario.

I’m working on adding an image ID to the ECOOpr table. I have a custom field to store the image ID, but would rather not rely on users manually keying the ID in. Ideally, I would like to use a button-click search to grab the image ID, mimicking the image selection in Part Attributes. The button for the attributes image uses Part.FileButton, which is not a valid option in Engineering Workbench.

Has anyone added this image maintenance button click/return record functionality to an area of Epicor outside of Part Maintenance? Would appreciate any help!

**Edited to add that a trace log shows that Part Attributes is using: Ice.Proxy.BO.NamedSearchImpl and SearchForm 'Image Search: ’

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You would need to use the Simple Search wizard to add the search via a button.

Your part of the way there as you have add a ud field.

Now you have to use the customisation wizards to add the search…

Refer to these posts for more detail.

here an an example abccode…
App.AbcCodeEntry.AbcCodeForm_Customization_ImageSearch_CustomExport.xml (52.7 KB)

Thanks a million for pointing me in the right direction! I’ll review those posts and be back if I’m still lost :slight_smile:

Worked like a charm! Thanks!

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