Customization Editor wigging out

I am working on a form customization and randomly, when I save the customization, it will blow up and give me this error:

I haven’t a clue why it’s looking at my desktop, other than that I am calling an OpenFileDialog in my code and choosing a file from my desktop. After I receive this error, it drops all the dependencies and I have to exit Epicor entirely to reset it.

Any one see this before?

I was getting tons of errors like that yesterday. For me the went away after I closed and re-opened Epicor.

Weird. I’ve re-opened Epicor multiple times, so I am wondering it’s somehow related to my code

Hmm, might be a different issue then. I was getting it with tons of dashboards and customization’s. I couldn’t even open the configurator designer, even tho it was un-customized.