Customization deployment fail

For anyone interested, I compared the exported XML files from what was previously working and what's working now, apparently, the change made is selecting the Base form no longer works, instead, you have to select a Productization layer form.

--- In, "AJ" <aj.rembert@...> wrote:
> I'm in the SaaS environment and, since last Wednesday, I've been working with tech support to try and figure out why my customized forms, when deployed, are only pulling the base form. The tech has no idea what's going on, we've had 3 webex's and he's getting nothing. He said he's able to pull my exported form and it displays for him but in my environment, nothing. Anyone care to try putting my form in a sandbox to see if it also shows customized to them?
I'm in the SaaS environment and, since last Wednesday, I've been working with tech support to try and figure out why my customized forms, when deployed, are only pulling the base form. The tech has no idea what's going on, we've had 3 webex's and he's getting nothing. He said he's able to pull my exported form and it displays for him but in my environment, nothing. Anyone care to try putting my form in a sandbox to see if it also shows customized to them?