Customisation Support

Getting this now

Column ‘OrderHed.Approved_c’ does not belong to table OrderHed.

but it does exist

Look at the code I provided above, you shouldn’t be using the entire table field name.

Any reason why this would come up? I’m not using the whole table name. Just Approved_c

The code you posted above has the whole table name. What does your code look like now?

This is my code now

Is Approved_c is a logical or character field ?

Hi Arul,

It’s now working perfectly fine but I am unable to get this Data Directive to Auto Print.

I’m getting this error on the Sales Ack.

Any thoughts?

Kind regards,

Error refers to Part table. You may need to Sync Dataset from Report Style Maintenance.

Hi Arul,

I did a Sync Dataset on the Sales Order but it didn’t do the trick.

Kind regards,