Customer Tracker Search v803.407c

Yes, we have the same issue. Searching for customers will take about 45
seconds in our database. There are some that are fluent in Vantage that
have been able to fix this issue. We had no luck with Customer support
but it is now supposedly fix in 8.03.408


Andrew Best

Kice Industries, Inc.



From: [] On Behalf
Of jpleau2
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 4:10 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Customer Tracker Search v803.407c

We are testing 8.03.407c, and have found that searching a customer in
tracker, display, and quote entry all return a subset of our entire
customer base. I thought I had read a post about this a couple of weeks
ago, but can't seem to locate it now. We have a converted database
(converted by epicor) from V6.1.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?


Jill Pleau
Mid-State Machine Products

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We are testing 8.03.407c, and have found that searching a customer in tracker, display, and quote entry all return a subset of our entire customer base. I thought I had read a post about this a couple of weeks ago, but can't seem to locate it now. We have a converted database (converted by epicor) from V6.1.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?


Jill Pleau
Mid-State Machine Products