Customer Shipment status change to INVOICED when saved

On version 10.2.2. Here are the steps I go through.

  1. Create new Customer Shipment Entry
  2. Enter Order Number
  3. Create new line
  4. Enter Order Number, line and release number
  5. Enter Qty , warehouse, bin and Lot number.

As soon as I press save, the Shipment status change from OPEN to INVOICED, all the things will be greyed out and I cannot modify any data anymore, because the Shipment is Closed straight away, I cannot open it again.

Anyone else got the same problem?

Our company has the “Save Shipment for Invoicing” untick as we don’t invoice by shipment, but I want to keep track of tracking number and transactions with customer.

May be all your customers record has “auto invoice” feature turn on ???

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Nope. Customer has no Auto invoice ticked.

In fact, when the shipment changed to INVOICED, no invoice is generated.

is it an intercompany customer?
Did someone click the Invoice when complete on the sales order?
Was the a countersale sales order?

is it an intercompany customer?
No. Only have one company, but multi site.

Did someone click the Invoice when complete on the sales order?
No, it is strange, when I click Save in shipment, the status becomes “INVOICED” and all fields are greyed out. I cannot modify any data afterwards. Which is not what I wanted.

Was the a countersale sales order?
No, the Counter Sale tick box is unticked.

I have ticked “Save Shipment for Invoicing” and the Shipment can stay OPEN. However, I do not want the Shipment to go through the AR module when SHIPPED as we are using milestone billing… I was hoping that the Shipment can be used to collect data even if I untick “Save Shipment for invoicing”…

Any ideas or any workaround for this?

Check customer and sales order. Most likely set to auto invoice. It’s just a checkbox
Andrew Fagan

Both are untick… it is purely because of “Save Shipment for Invoicing” in Company Configuration under Modules->Sales->Order->Shipping-> Save Shipment for invoicing.

If that box is untick, every time you save a shipment with lines, the Status will jump to “INVOICED”. For me, it looks like is a bug, as I cannot modify data after pressing save.

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There is now a setting in one of the configuration setup (I want to say company). For some reason it is on by default. I believe it is in either in sales tab or finance tab. It is a check box. Once changed the software will invoice just like normal. Don’t have the software open or I would screenshot and the exact wording forr you…sorry about that. You will know when you read it.

Belinda Hannah

On the Pack header before you save is the shipped checkbox checked? I think you have covered everything else I can think of

I have tested both situation,

  1. Saving the Shipment Entry with Shipped Untick
  2. Saving the Shipment Entry with Shipped Ticked

Both result the same, Shipped will be ticked automatically when saved and the status will change to INVOICED.

Which means, if I am doing milestone billing, I cannot really use the Shipment Entry module to store information. As the information cannot be modified once it is saved.

Save Shipment For Invoicing (check ON)
FINANCE/GL/System intefaces
Confirm AR system (check ON)

i agree with @TobyLai

You may want to speak with someone who is really knowlegable about Progress Billing… It has been a really long time for me, and some things have changed. BUT I think that even when doing progress billing, you still need the shipment to be “saved for invoicing”… it (maybe?) just that the invoicing happens at a different time.

Thanks for all the input. I decided to keep the “Save Shipment For Invoicing” turned on in Company Configuration.

Create a BPM so that shipment will prevent Shipment changing to status SHIPPED and will change the status to INVOICED straight away so that Shipment will not appear in the “Shipped Not Invoiced” report and any activities involving AR.

If you are using MILESTONE billing - where do you have the milestones setup for each/any invoice/order/project?

We are still working on it at the moment, I believe we are using Project Management Module and creating milestone in there.

ok. I could be wrong
but if your making the milestones in the project - then you don’t need to save the shipment for invoicing
(unless you have other types of invoices)
the milestones in the project will kickoff the invoicing

But I want to use Shipment Entry to keep track of what has been shipped to customer. That is why altering the data after saving is important, as the dispatch worker always make mistakes.

ok. good.
whatever works for you :slight_smile:

this solution will work. :slight_smile: