Customer Shipment Entry

Hi all

Another question for the hive mind, About customer shipment entry and ship date and clicking the shipped button. ive done a search and there is something on this in the forum but really some of it im not to sure about.

So basicly im under the impression that when you click shipped it would change the date in the ship date for whent he stock leaves the warehouse but it dose not is there away for this to happen, finance have asked for this to make there life abit easier.

Any help woudl be great

The ship date requires some level of enhancement to work this way. The date is set when the pack is created.

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To clarify, are you asking for the SHIP DATE to automatically update when the user clicks SHIP?

E.g. If the user clicks ship on 01/06/2024, you want the ship date will automatically update to 01/06/2024 before processing the ship?

Hi yes that is what we are looking for with it not doing that is cusing some issues in finance with differring dates.

Any help would be amazing.

You can create a BPM that updates that date field for you.

A basic Pre-Processing Method Directive to just always update the date to today’s date.

You may need build in some conditions based on your business. Ask the following:

  • Would you ever want to ship things in the past?
  • Would you ever want to ship items in the future?

Thank you for the pointers is there any chance you can help me with the pre-Processing method ive followed a few guides, just can not seem to get what i need to work. Only been using epicor for the past 3 months,

Cheers for any help on this.

Which method are you using?

I was using the Post Processing option so when the shipped box is ticked it should have inserted the current date into the field but ive not got it to work at all, i have tried many ways that i have come across on here.

I’m still not sure what method you are using for the Pre\Post processing… for example,CustShip.Update or UpdateMaster?

Sorry Still very new at this, what im looking to to do is update the date field when the ship box is tick to the current date, to do this i have been told it can be done with a Pre\Posting processing so ive been looking in Custship, but i have a feeling this is the wrong place to look. So i dont really have a method ive just put things together from differant place on this form in the hopes it will work.

I understand the logic behind the Pre\Posting processing and it seems to be the right way to do it just dont know if im looking in the right place IE Custship or are there other places to look.

Again thank for taking the time to try and help me and apologize for the lack of information my knowledge is very limited with Epicor at current.

You need to do a method directive against CustShip. Do you have anything so far? Are you working on a test environment so you can see the changes you make without affecting any users?

Right so i was looking in the right place great, and no ive just had a look and a play with a few things, and yes im working in the test area at current.

We have a UD field that stores the original Ship Date if the Ship Date was changed. This BPM updates that UD field if the shipment is shipped against the original ship date so you just need something similar with the correct conditionas and to set the field to the current date:

I’m afraid this is not straight forward. I did some tests and I can’t find a method to do this properly. The UD field as @tmat suggested is a good idea. Also, I would just make a BPM to restrict the shipment if ship date is not today. Then users will be forced to change it to today’s date.

Hi Dragos how woudl you do this to bring up a warning to change the date, it woudl be really good to test both ways of doing this.

and thank you for the help.

Sure, BPM on method directive CustShip.Update.Pre:


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I dont get any warnings come up when i test this, the only differance i can see is that you have ERP.BO.custship and we have just ERP.custShip other than that there is no differance.

Cheers again for everyone who has helped along the way

Got it working works great thank you for the help.