Customer Shipment Entry Error: Post update message: Credit Card was not processed successfully. Invoice 798516 was created without a payment record

This error happens very frequently when shipping credit card orders from customer shipment entry. This is in 10.1.500.26. Epicor says this error is not documented and needs us to provide steps to reproduce it, which is difficult because it requires us to switch our host server to make dummy credit card transactions.

I think the transactions are going through most of the time but the error is worrying shipping and accounting and slowing down our process when we have it happening multiple times a day.

Has anyone else encountered this error? Can you give me some suggestions on what might be causing it?


It looks like a custom programmed error, based on the poor sentence structure(s) and the inconsistencies of the title and text. :slight_smile:

It also looks like its a Customization on the UI, not from BPM. Plus I find it odd that any CC processing would happen in Customer Shipment, unless someone thought it was a good idea and customized it.

The only documented customization is just a minor cosmetic change.
I think the error might be coming from manifest but I am not sure where to look to check. It would be great if I could just disable the message.

We get something similar during Customer Shipment, “Credit card was not processed successfully. No invoice or payment record was created.”
When we get this message, we know it means the CC was declined and we have to contact our customer for a different credit card number.

I will post a screen shot of our “behaviors” section of Credit Card configuration to show you how we have ours set up. Perhaps our error message is slightly different from yours because we have “Credit Card failure stops shipment” enabled in Credit Card Configuration. Also, perhaps you can try changing your settings to match ours to see if you get a different result?

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We also have the “Credit card failure stops shipment” enabled.

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