Steven -- It is kind of scary letting our shipping department do invoicing, but they work at crazy hours (5AM to 2AM) so we don't always have accounting people available when they need customs invocies (which we deal with everyday). I heard a rumor that E9 might have a better more secure customs invoicing procedure....
I have not seen the problems with the 810, but we are still in the testing phase right now, so we aren't generating 810's everyday. I'm glad you mentioned it though....I will keep an eye on it when we go live! Thanks,
Adam Whipp
I have not seen the problems with the 810, but we are still in the testing phase right now, so we aren't generating 810's everyday. I'm glad you mentioned it though....I will keep an eye on it when we go live! Thanks,
Adam Whipp
--- In, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...> wrote:
> That's good to know about the BOL. Another thing I thought of doing was to just generate a list of shipments for the day and then go down the list and manually "print" the ASNs.
> Interesting that you let your shipping department do invoicing. We don't let anyone outside our Accounting department withing 50 feet of an invoice, but we don't deal with customs that often.
> As a side note, have you had any problems with 810s? We automatically generate 810s on posting of an invoice, and about once a month one of them won't generate. I never figured out why. What I ended up doing is to generate a list of 810s that get sent via EDI each time they are transmitted and have that list emailed to our Accounting department so they can check it against a list of invoices that should have been sent.
> ________________________________
> From: adam.whipp <adam.whipp@...>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 6:03:55 PM
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Customer Shipment Entry 8.03.408b Customization
> ÂÂ
> Thanks for the input Steven. You and I were dicussing this topic in a post last month -- I remember helping trying to get the BPM to fire at the time of invoicing. This seems like a good solution, but our shipping department actually will invoice early in the day if they need to print invocies for customs purposes. So a shipment may be "invoiced" at 10 AM, but it won't get set on the truck until 4 PM. We don't want the ASN going out at 10 AM (half the time, this is more like a rough draft at 10 AM, and will get changed 4 times throughout the day...I'm sure you've been there and seen that!) And sometimes, we don't invoice until 2 days which time the ASN will be too late.
> Unfortunately Karen's suggestion will not work either because the shipment may already be invoiced, as you mentioned.
> I'm going to have to keep brainstorming. ...right now, I am using a checkbox on the bill of lading with a BPM. When that checkbox is checked on the bill of lading (manually clicked by the shipping department after the truck leaves), it will generate ASNs for all linked packing slips. I may just have to stick with this.
> Adam Whipp
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > I have been struggling with this exact same problem for the exact same reason. From what I discovered is that you can't change anything directly on the shiphead once it has been marked shipped. Of couse as long as it hasn't been invoiced, you can go back and unship it, mark the box, then reship it, but what a pain. Here is my solution for what its worth.
> >
> > Since we invoice at the end of the day for everything we ship, I created a Preprocess BPM that sets the EDIready flag on the ShipHead when the "getshipments" occurs on the ARInvoice (ARInvoice.GetShipm ents). I then have a BAM that is triggered by EDIready, Invoiced, and filtered by the customer number to generate the ASN. I had to add a pause 3 at the end of my BPM because apparently once the Invoiced flag is set on the shiphead, the BAM won't fire. So I had to give it enough time to set the EDIready on all shipments pulled into ARinvoice.
> >
> > For Each ShipHead Where (LOOKUP(STRING( ShipHead. PackNum) , PackSlips , "~~") > 0) NO-LOCK:
> >  Run lib\UpdateTableBuff er.p(input BUFFER ShipHead:HANDLE, 'EDIready', TRUE).
> > End.
> > Pause 3.
> >
> > I then have a post process to set Checkbox02 on Shiphead.
> >
> > For Each ShipHead Where (LOOKUP(STRING( ShipHead. PackNum) , PackSlips , "~~") > 0) NO-LOCK:
> >  Run lib\UpdateTableBuff er.p(input BUFFER ShipHead:HANDLE, 'CheckBox02' , TRUE).
> > End.
> >
> > I use Checkbox02 as a filter on the BAM to make sure the ASN isn't generated more then once in the case where the Invoice is deleted and the getshipments pulls in the shippment again.
> >
> > An interesting side note is that everytime EDIready is set to true, CounterASN in your ASN output is increased by one. This is usefull if you want to distinguish between a new or updated ASN. Unfortunately, our one customer who requires ASNs does not allow for updates to the ASN.
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: adam.whipp <adam.whipp@ ...>
> > To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
> > Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 4:49:41 PM
> > Subject: [Vantage] Customer Shipment Entry 8.03.408b Customization
> >
> > ÂÂÂ
> > This seems like it should be a very easy customization, but it has me stumped. I added a checkbox to customer shipment entry. I tied it to ShipHead.CheckBox02 . I want this to be available to click even after a packing slip is "shipped" but I cannot figure out how. It grays out after I "ship" the packing slip. Is there an easy way to fix this? My reason is for autopriting ASNs for EDI. We were going to do it at the same time the packing slip is "shipped" but I found out that we pre-ship packing slips a lot. Therefore, I decided to have another checkbox on the screen for "Ready for ASN" but it is not able to be clicked. Thanks!!
> >
> > -Adam Whipp
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
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