Customer Price Lists & Blanket Orders

We have a customer that has a blanket PO open with us that has been open for over 5 years now. They continually add to their order, and we make it and ship it.

What I am wondering is: There is a Customer Price List in the system for this customer, and we are going to be creating a new price list for them in the next few days. When we create that new price list and make it active, how does that affect the following:

  • Pricing on existing lines of the order
  • Pricing on new lines that are added to the order

I assume that the pricing for any lines/releases that have already shipped will retain the old pricing, but will any new lines that are added look at the new price list that is now active, or the price list that was active when the order was created?

As far new lines (parts) are concerned: Would the system try and use the Price List that was used for the other lines in the SO, or the current ā€˜activeā€™ Price List?

I ask, because I am being told that every time the company I work for uploads a new price list into the system, that they are also going through and changing the ā€œOrderDateā€ on the OrderHed. They change it to a date that is within the Start/End Date of the new Price List. Their reasoning is so that when new lines are added, the system will see the OrderHed.OrderDate field, and grab the Price List that is valid for that date.

Is that accurate? Does Epicor use the OrderHed.OrderDate to determine which Price List to use? I have not been able to find any documentation that specifically links a Price List to the OrderDate field.

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The price list is on the line if I am not mistaken so you may just need to change it on the line itself if you are going to continue to ship off this order.

Or make them issue a new PO at the new price, which makes sense since itā€™s a different agreement. I know itā€™s not always that easy when working with customer.

I am interested in this answerā€¦ To that I say, I donā€™t know.

This would be my thought as well. Especially considering that changing the price on the line that already has releases shipped is asking for trouble. Wouldnā€™t that throw off any invoicing and such for items that have recently been shipped but are not invoiced yet? (IE: Shipped before the price list changed, but invoiced afterwards).

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