We have this weird issue that happens randomly, and I have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of it. I am hoping maybe someone here has seen something like this and can point me in the right direction.
We have a Sales Order for a customer shows Line 5 with Part Number H110154. That is our in-house Part Number. We are also referencing the Customer Part Number (1BH829) on that line, as shown here:
If we look at the Customer Part Cross Reference, we can plainly see the the Customer Part Number is there, and is linked to our correct internal Part Number.
The customer has multiple Customer Part Numbers that link to the same Internal Part Number, which is also noticeable in the image. I should also note that most of this customers parts have multiple links like that (IE: Multiple Customer Part Numbers linking to the same internal Part Number).
The correct Customer Part Number and Internal Part Numbers show correctly through our entire process (quotes, orders, EDI, invoicing, etc.). But, randomly (very randomly) the incorrect Customer Part Number is pulled when creating a shipment.
Our shipping manager reached out to me today stating that one of the lines on a shipment to this customer was showing the incorrect Customer Part Number. It had pulled one of the other ones that is linked to our internal Part Number, rather than the one that is showing in the Sales Order. She has to change this manually before processing the Shipment so that the EDI 856 Document, and the Pack List both have the correct Part Number on them.
I have looked for any Method/Data directives that reference XPartNum to see if there was anything that may be changing the data before it is processed, and came up with nothing.
Has anyone seen this, or know what could be causing this to happen? The fact that it does NOT happen every time, and the parts that it happens for are not always the same, is making my head spin.