Customer part cross reference Treview sort order

It appears that the Customer Part Cross Reference Tree view list is in the order that they were entered(I’m guessing…?)

It would be more useful if it was in Part number order. Is there a way to achieve this?

I am on, refresh will reorder the tree by Part number.

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The GetRows method can be modified to add a sort.

Hi Jason,
That sounds great.
I have but BPMs on methods but have never actually changed the method itself. How does one do that?

The whereClause can end with “BY XPartNum” in Pre-processing

Thanks Jason,
I have t say, that it seems strange to Invoke the same business method from the BPM… But I couldn’t see a where clause:

My trace log shows:

23/07/2019 09:23:00:1542922 AM


That particular method (GetCustomerParXRef) takes only one parameter and that is the custNum. It then fills the dataset with all the records for that CustNum. Jason suggested the GetRows method. I think you’ll find your whereClause there.

Mark W.

Thanks Mark.
I’ve launched this from the CustomerPartXRef BO (The Get rows method is not called as far as I can see from the trace …)

It doesn’t throw any errors but it doesn’t actually do any sorting either …

Not sure Rob. Unless there’s a sort routine on the tree component undoing your BPM work.

Hi Jason,

This problem showed up out of the blue on a customer on 10.1.400.28 and it is giving them fits.

I have a 30 day old copy of LIVE in the Test database, and it’s fine there. It suddenly stopped sorting by XPart.

Tried to find what you referred to, am I in the right place? Struggling with the the BPM wants here. Thanks