Customer Part Cross Reference - 10.2.500 Part On The Fly Defect

Hello All,

Does anyone else have any workarounds to this?

PRB219730 states that “Customer Part Cross Reference entries will automatically get generated if a Customer Part Cross Reference is entered on a Sales Order line. This can result in Cross Reference entries generated for On the Fly (OTF) parts. Prior to the re-design of the Customer Part Cross Reference screen in 10.2.500, entries for OTF parts could be retrieved on the Customer Part Cross Reference screen and updated or deleted, if necessary. That capability was lost in 10.2.500.
Users should be able to retrieve, modify & delete (not add) Customer Part Cross Reference entries for OTF parts”

In short, does anyone have any suggestions for modifying or deleting custxpart records created for on the fly parts? Can’t upgrade at this time.



The “Customer Part Cross Reference” program is available in 10.2.700.10.
I see it has been redesigned, the tree on the left doesn’t display all the customer parts anymore but you can go under the List Tab and modify or delete the record. I think the issue is with the Left Tree not displaying the records like it use too.

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Thanks Patrick, I see that functionality has been changed.

This issue however is not the tree, but the program itself. If you re-read the problem statement, it notes that you can’t see any parts on the fly ( tree view or list view) and you can’t modify them.

DMT or Updatable BAQ?
Depends if the End user needs the access or not.
Also kinda depends on what you need to accomplish. If you need to ensure that OTF Customer Cross Reference records never exist you should be able to do that with a BPM or a nightly DMT + PowerShell that would query the CustXPrt for any records not in Part and delete those.

Rick, good to hear from you. We would like to be able to edit them or delete them. It isn’t that we don’t want them, they are valid in our process… We just mess up sometimes and enter it wrong so we would like to be able to correct it.

I tried DMT earlier and it fails… I was going to try an updatable, but after DMT failed I am not sure it is worth it.

Thanks for the ideas.

That actually sounds like the functionality was in earlier versions and lost in 10.2.500 and later.

We’re on 10.2.300, and I can launch Customer Part Cross Reference, and from there:

  • If the partnum is in the system (non-OTF) then I can: add, modify, and delete part
    xref entries
  • If the partnum is not in the system (an OTF) then I can: modify, and delete part
    xref entry

In order to add the xref entry for an OTF part, I have to do it by creating an order line with the desired OTF “partnum”, and manually enter the customers xref partnum.

Exactly, that is how it was working and now in 10.2.500 it doesn’t allow for that. Do you know off hand if you can search problems by Epicor release? I know there are release notes, but I don’ think they list problems.

I had it for a minute there. That last part (“Cab build-up”) did load in the screen - it’s a POTF - but I can’t get it to come back now. I see it in the search but I keep getting “Are you sure?” and then it won’t load.

Also, I can’t see PRB219730. Nothing came up…

Jason and all on this post.

A user found out today that if you paste the customer part number (the one related to the part on the fly you wish to edit) in the internal part field on customer part cross reference it brings up the part on the fly record… This screen was fixed in some later release for everyone reading who is beyond 10.2.500.