Customer Manifest Billing config

Hi guys, I’m drawing a total blank here.
Are the billing types available for the CustMFBill table available to view somewhere? In the database, I can only see the PayBTFlag, but I need to see a list of PayBTFlag and its description.

Thanks in advance!

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Last I looked, they were hard-coded into the form. :scream:

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Well, poop. Ok thank you!


For anyone else:

PayBTFlag Description
UPSFRCOL UPS Freight Collect
FEDREC Fedex Recipient
FEDPRE FedEx Prepaid
UPSCON UPS Consignee
TP Third Party
UPSCSTFT UPS Cost and Freight
CON Consignee
FEDCOLL FedEx Collect
SHIP Shipper
UPSDUTY UPS Delivery Duty Paid
UPSFOB UPS Free on Board
UPSDTAX UPS Shipping Duty and Tax
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@josecgomez found them hardcoded in Epicor and told me to never ask if we can update the options.
I moved on.

