Customer EDI - SSCC18 Number

Good Morning,

Looking for some assistance on how people are generating the SSCC18 number on the 856 ASN. We use a 3rd party distributor to fulfill orders and need to work and additional external flow into our process. However, seems not many people in the implementation process are familiar with how this number is compiled and best practice. Can anyone shed light on this number? It is a requirement for a few of our customers. Specifically, the makeup of the SSCC number and how that is being configured. Would appreciate any assistance.

Thanks in advance,

We use PCID for this. Using the Fulfillment Workbench / Material Request Queue. The reserve/pick into PCID/pack workflow.

PCID is broken down into sections:
Application Identifier (Fixed)
Extension Digit (Fixed)
Company Identifier (Fixed)
Numeric Sequential (Serial Sequence)

Then we have a BPM that calculates the final (check) digit when the shipment is created for the PCID, the full SSCC Code is written to a UD field on the shipment for use in EDI documents or printed labels.

Thanks Garret.

Is the company identifier your company’s number? Did you have to apply for that number and if so, where?

Again, not sure we can do this since we are not physically shipping the material. We rely on our 3rd party to tell us what has been shipped and print it on the labels.

Yes the company identifier is a unique code for our company. I wasn’t involved in the initial iteration of us making SSCC labels, it used to be a manual process. I was tasked with bringing it into Epicor, so our company identifier already existed before me, but I am almost positive it was given to us by our customer, not GS1.

That would be so ideal if it is not GS1 and simply the vendor number our customer knows us by. Would certainly save some time. This is great information and I will reach out if we need anything else. Thanks!!!

Company identifier depends on you. We have our own company identifies since it is part of the UPC for each part. We also do private labelling for customers where company identifier and UPC are supplied by the customer. It depends on your use case. The company identifier is the GS1 code since that has to be part of the UPC and also on the online GS catalogue which is required by some of our customers.

For SSCC18 we use company identifier+pack slip number+pallet no+check digit. This is stored on a UD field on the shipdtl table and is part of the ASN we send to the customer and also printed on the SSCC label.

That’s the direction we are taking. Again, hoping our customers provide us with customer numbers rather than going the GS1 route as that can take some additional time.

We used the legal number as that is the easiest way to get the numbering you need as well as the check digit out of the box.

We’re looking into the Legal number also, but again, may be a challenge providing that number to the 3rd party as they may not ship exactly what we expect. Depending on what they ship, it may need to be more than one if we end up with more than one pallet.