Customer Deposit report by Month

Hello again,

I really do appreciate all the help and knowledge I glean from this group.
In this case I was making the problem way too complex.
Problem solved; Customer & CashDtl

Allan R. Holmsten, CFO
Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc.
1400 Energy Park Drive #18
St Paul, MN 55108
651-659-9204 Fax

Our auditors want to have us reconcile a customers account to the aging by
month for the last calendar year.
It's just a new test they want to do.

I use a lot of export, and excel. I have can get the agings by month and I
get the invoices from the Sales Gross Margin report export.

I am asking for the order of files to join in the export utility so that I
can export deposits by customer by month. If someone has built a file in
report builder, or crystal, or export utility that combines the right files
in the right order, I would be most thankful.

Thank you in advance,
Al Holmsten

Allan R. Holmsten, CFO
Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc.
1400 Energy Park Drive #18
St Paul, MN 55108
651-659-9204 Fax

Allan R. Holmsten, CFO
Wilbrecht Electronics, Inc.
1400 Energy Park Drive #18
St Paul, MN 55108
651-659-9204 Fax